MovieChat Forums > stinky > Replies

stinky's Replies

I went knowing it was bad because I had an open a-list reservation and because I like to see moon stuff depicted on the big screen. But the pile of stupid stuff just kept getting bigger and bigger. One of my favorite stupid moments was towards the end when Brian's son goes back to find Michael Peña's character (dumb move in itself) and then the nanny goes off to look for Brian (another dumb move). And then she finds him... UNDER A TREE. Of course the tree apparently didn't crush him or even injury him in the slightest. And then thankfully the moonrise allowed them to toss off the tree. I laughed more than once, so it was worth my time. That's not what solar flares look like, lol. Assuming everyone paid $10/each to see it, about 170,000 have seen it so far. Go troll somewhere else. Actually, they aren't. Maybe expand what you watch. <blockquote>Rooney Mara fills out the two-piece carnival costume better than her 1947 counterpart.</blockquote> seriously, that's what you focus on? I almost wish there could have been a blended version. I think overall the b&w worked best for the carnival scenes. Some of the doctor office scenes worked very well in b&w too. But imagine the b&w film changing over to color once they left the carnival. And then when he eventually had to flee her office the film would slowly transition back to b&w as he descended the building and made a run for it outside. And if you want to make it gimmicky, when Zeena and the others visited Buffalo their characters would be in b&w. A huge chunk of moviechat consists of young guys who troll around until the next superhero movie is released. Alana wasn't dumb. She knew she could handle the truck better than him, even if he did have a license. If you watch it again and not sleep through most of it pay attention to what he says in the police car, about how he turns 16 next month. Then consider everything he did after that (creating a mail order waterbed business, opening up a physical waterbed store, filming stuff for the campaign, creating and opening a pinball arcade, etc.) and see if you think he did all of that in under a month. Goetzman actually did install a waterbed for Peters. That part is true and can be looked up. But it went fine, there was no craziness. The restaurant scene has nothing to do with Breezy. The scene before that, where she's auditioning, is basically a scene from Breezy (Alana recites the exact same dialog as Breezy does, has a guitar, etc.) PTA has stated over and over about how the characters are shadows of actual people, they're not meant to be the actual people. This isn't a documentary or an This Is Exactly What Happened film (which OUaTiH did more of). It gives him more leeway to play around with what the characters do. It's not explicitly stated. It is generally assumed it's either a journalist or someone doing oppo research for his opponent. Did you sleep through the movie? Do you realize that for the bulk of the movie he wasn't 15? Do you not realize that they <b>intentionally</b> let the hose running to get back at Peters' threatening Gary's brother? There was even dialog about this before they did it. Just because you weren't paying attention doesn't mean it's an "art film". I think it's just a coincidence. For starters that wasn't in the water bed store, that was in the office he was using for the PR firm or whatever he had, when the water bed business first started. Gary was pressuring her to be sexier to make the phone sale. She was annoyed by this so purposely ramped up the sexiness to the degree that it annoyed Gary. But I guess it could also be a reference. Who knows. Why are you so obsessed with blemishes and pimples? Are people not allowed to have those? Have you grown up in a filter-happy world that hides what people actually look like? Do you usually judge people on their looks on not on who they are as a person? "repeatedly go out of her way in 1973 to spend all this time with" Huh? You're revealing you never really watched the movie. I guess dating Lance was really going out of her way to spend time with Gary. I guess working with the campaign and having a crush on Wachs was really going out of her way to spend time with Gary. I guess going out to dinner with Holden was really going out of her way to spend time with Gary. I guess asking Sasha Spielberg if it was weird that she was hanging out with Gary and his friends was really going out of her way to spend time with Gary. Go troll elsewhere. "There are lots of songs from artists of the 1970s, but these are not the memorable ones that got onto record charts." Songs like Stumblin' In, Diamond Girl, etc. went high on the charts. Just because you're not familiar with them in 2021 doesn't mean they aren't memorable. Likely you're only familiar with the same handful of cliché 70s songs that get played over and over in current media. Don't blame PTA for your musical ignorance. Also, it's going to be fun reading your complaints about Red Rocket. Just stop already. "A trailer is supposed to be somewhat of a highlight reel of key elements" Not true at all. Perhaps for the Fast and Furious or Spiderman movies you love. But there are many types of trailers in existence and many great ones that aren't "a highlight reel of key elements". "I see this trailer and it's not only not appealing, it's actually off-putting." For <i>you</i>. Many found the trailer to amazing and made them look forward to the film's opening even more. Part of the problem is that the "punchline" (that the husband doesn't even understand spoken Japanese) isn't delivered until a later scene. If it was done during the initial scene with his character perhaps the audience would have just groaned. Instead, the initial scene ended with cringe and when he appeared again later with the same schtick it was just more cringe. it's the thing that mars an otherwise great film. No? Well that explains a lot. Maybe actually watch the movie and learn about all the actual events that inspired the various scenes. Or sit on moviechat and judge things that you've never seen.