MovieChat Forums > Octo > Replies

Octo's Replies

African Americans are less than 15% of the population so of course they need 30% representation in media. I thought he worked great, looked like an ancient vampire and I'd love to see a backstory on him. Cool hwhip. His "pleading" with god was an act of desperation. Maybe he was a believer once, but perhaps god, in his eyes, killed his wife hence the anger and doubt. And it's not like he was wrong...god if he exists stands idly by when people are in desperate need for help. In the end you can only help yourself, or rely on other people, none which remained in his situation. The cell phone comment is silly, cell phones doesn't magically connect to satellites or anything, there is no coverage in the middle of the wilderness. They also commented on how long it would take for a search party to find them, and that's if they were on course. You claiming the "false idea that we're alone" is of course an unknown. Weather you are convinced in a god or not has no affect on that being the case. As far as anyone knows there is no afterlife, our minds are a product of our brains and brains decompose after death. AAA movies vs this. I agree the creatures were lacking but some of the environment effects were pretty decent. Am I supposed to care about an embryo over an actual human? Look at some European countries, Scandinavia. That's what it is and it's not too shabby. He is a politician and a pretty big name so of course he's gonna have money. It doesn't mean he can't fight for the common man. When it's clear he's not gonna win it's natural he's gonna support the people who are leaning towards his own views. It may have been frozen in space and thawed in the atmosphere or after the crash..people live in cold climates, doesn't mean they like the cold. Yea all Evil Dead movies (I guess besides Army of Darkness) are in a very localized setting with few characters...but they could technically go for a full blown outbreak. The brother was puked upon and turned, but in the end they are bathing in blood and showers in shredded demon blood and are fine. I don't have an in depth analysis or anything but yea, great sequence and great has that enchanting feel to it. I've only seen Hellraiser 1-4 in the original series. Despite its issues the 2022 one was better by far. Not saying it's great, but being better than the old series is a cakewalk. It is pretty ridiculous that a robot of this caliber would be referred to and designed to be a "toy". STOP BEING FAT. Do they even need to eat..these are interdimensional creatures after all. I didn't think about that distinction before you mentioned it, but I think you may be right. The "fair enough" was indeed wordplay :) Fair enough. I re-watched the sequence. He was attacked first, pushed her aside. Attacked with a punch, punched back, was attacked again, defended again, then all 4 pummeled at him when he was down. 4 against one. He picked up a stone but showed restraint in using it even when attacked with a knife. He may be an asshole but he's right to defend himself here. And afterwards he didn't even whine about it, but said it was a fair fight. Entitlement. Someone lied to the public and said "the customer is always right". Pampered upbringing, tricking kids into thinking they are special with participation trophies and junk like that, when they're at best just another idiot like the rest of us. Also having a too simple life in general..eventually you start looking for, or create problems to distract yourself from your boring ass day-to-day.