MovieChat Forums > Octo > Replies

Octo's Replies

I think if you break it down into this simplistic view of intelligence, humans are also "just code", although naturally formed rather than created by someone. Just electrical charges running through our brains in order to function in our environment. Unless you are religious and believe in a "soul" or some other, perhaps supernatural, attribute that goes beyond brain function. You think pulling the plug on your toaster is the same as shutting down an AI begging for it's "life"? Pull the plug on a human and it shuts off, turning into a pile of decaying meat, no different from a robot with an AI turning into a pile of junk. Is your point that you can just plug in the robot again, and presumably just resume from where it was shut off? When AI reaches the point of sentience and can reflect over its own existence..or not even that...we value the life of animals that aren't at that stage of conscience right. So ok, when an AI values it's own "life", is when we should think about giving it a right to "live". What makes you think an AI can't have real emotions? What are emotions anyway? Just wants and needs, attachment to things and other lifeforms, and pure physical sensation? When AI reaches the point of having goals, interests and fascination in things, it's not simply binary code, any more than we are. Why would a clone have a robotic hand?