HarlemEagle42's Replies

In his defense...Republican voters will probably believe him. Bingo. Good point. I honestly forgot he directed this. I didn't exactly love it, but Tim Blake Nelson was very good. Was that expected? Human characters were all idiots. Not gonna say this is one of the worst horror movies I've seen (it's not) but boy, it has some of the dumbest characters I've seen in a horror movie in a while. Not a big Neil Young fan? He's like the OG Adam Driver. He makes career moves that look smart on paper but then don't work for some reason. It's a wonder they had not done an action movie together. Either as enemies or allies. I guess he did make America great again. Presidents are not above the law after all. Fair enough. ;) The canary in the coal mine. Not a bad guess. I heard that Bill Gates is single. The party of law and order, my ass. Yeah that actually was pretty good. There's more T&A than I expected but yeah, this was a turd. Alright, well after seeing it, I'd give it a B-. It kept my attention better than expected. The pacing is off, I would agree. But for me, it was the opposite. It felt like it couldn't wait to get to every twist or turn and cut ordinary scenes in half. Yeah, I genuinely liked it. Felt it was kind of 'meh' to be honest. Alexis Knapp was miscast.