BeenSavage's Replies

I gotchu. Neither do I. It would be interesting to see the #s for desktop vs. mobile users. I personally think it's easier to post from my computer but if I'm on the go I have no problem replying to something in short order from my phone. What spacing issues do you see? Yeah I hear you and agree; it's nice to find an obscure board come into the spotlight. I guess my point is that it would be cool to actually find what boards are really buzzin (i.e. trending). Creating an additional tab for this sort of thing while keeping what's up now would be great as well. This wasn't a Marvel Studios property. Why would they be scared of something they didn't make. There hasn't been a connection to the MCU like Spider-Man's so I'm gonna guess they're gonna re-image the team via another reboot. At the same time I think there needs to be some effort put forth by the webmaster as well. It would be nice to see the site being actively maintained outside of moderation. Also having some sort of dedicated board for us to voice our opinions on how the site could be improved upon could be a great addition. I've seen this sort of thing done in other proactive communities and it's worked out pretty well. Wow! Thanks for providing these stats. I wonder why this is? TheMovieDB has exactly what you're talking about in terms of movie data and discussions but imo, MC has more of an active community. Go figure. Take a drink every time you see a post about box office report. You come with that attitude you might as well figure it out yourself. From what? A business perspective? Obadiah's plan all along was to take control over Stark Industries. Having Tony kidnapped in order to attain such power isn't considered a friend in my book. Plus, how do you figure Obadiah was at least a Hyrda affiliate? Definitely better than the Matrix trilogy but finding this series slowly coming apart. The first two Wick movies were excellent. The third came off a little more ridiculous. God only knows what we're in for in the upcoming 4th installment. I thought both are equally as bland as the other. The only edge I see with the remake were the special effects, which should obviously be better due to the 30 year advancement of technology. The stories were damn identical aside from their endings and which child was chosen to become undead. At the end of the day who really gives a fuck? You're not seeing the money either way. She's definitely a shell of her former self as a bond girl. Nowadays she looks sickly, frail, and eliminates all sex appeal with the disheveled granny wigs worn in every movie. And it was just that...a carbon copy. I watched them in reverse order and couldn't stop saying how they were exactly the same, down to the lines almost. Things didn't get different until the final act, which were both equally as disappointing. 100% agree. Marvel hasn't done a good job with the character since his solo movie back in 08. He's been reduced to taking selfies....Seriously? I think there are a handful of instances where we could think back at all the gadgets Tony could have used to kill Thanos (wrist beams from IM2, the missile that took out the tank in IM1, etc). Frustrates me how my favorite character of the series was progressively de-powered as the Avengers went on. That shit was CRINGE CITY! I think seeing Paltrow come down in an iron suit is runner up. Over usage of BAD CGI