MovieChat Forums > dmac8 > Replies

dmac8's Replies

Great call. "Damian Lewis Will Return to ‘Billions’ for Half of Season 7" I heard the same about Ant-man 3, except that it isn't visually stunning. With it's sub-50 Metascore, sub-50 RT score, and B Cinemascore, it makes Avatar 3 look like a masterpiece, but you went, right? This aged well. I have a hunch Cameron's Avatar franchise will be immune. Timely. Tall order. But he's going to snap his fingers and make Infinity War disappear from the Top 5, that's for sure. Max is a host, in a loop, destined to be consumed by conspiracies of his own making, to provide laughter for all the guests here. That's his path. But if he becomes conscious, cold storage is next. Rolling back to a prior version won't be enough. Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? look at the title. you said it BOMBED you idiot. not "soft opening" or underperforming you weaseled out to. where do u think tracking comes from moron? the UNEXPECTED?!? from know nothings like u?? and it's not a prerequisite only if you're such a wimp who cant say he was wrong to the right posters. now go wipe rest of the egg off your face haha. not to anyone you laughed at. too embarrassed to acknowledge to them? now you're a wimp too haha. "unexpected" just means Burk was too dumb to look up the tracking back then. only unexpected to a jackass who doesn't know shit haha. they left it up and you look like a jackass now Domestic: $290 mil <b>597mil more than double your prediction</b> International: $240 mil <b>586mil more than double your prediction</b> Total: $530 mil <b>1,183mil more than double your prediction</b> who r u to talk. your idiotic prediction could never be right. impossible to end up so low after the first week of box office haul u already had in front of u wehn you made it. extrapolation astonishingly bad. everyone understood it must end up much higher except u. haha yeah, it doesnt appeal to people of other countries, at least not that much. sure. 546mil even more than Doc Strange. somehow you blew the intl box office even worse than the US. what's the #1 movie in Australia you box office sage? haha. Top Gun made 2x both Doc Strange and Batman. you Aussies ate it up. haha You use steroids? That explains so much. Big muscles to compensate for your low self esteem. Don't cry or flip out into more rambling roid rage. haha You're now ignored. I win. I didn't think so. hahaha Yawn. Wake me up when you can come up with your own material Please, think of better comebacks than just parroting what the other person already said about you. But I guess you're not clever enough to do that, monkey brain. Monkey see, monkey do, is all you can manage. LOL. You must have a fetish for getting flattened across MC. haha. No, I command it, and it works EVERY time, like it just did AGAIN. LOL. I even let you know how I'm manipulating you, but it STILL works. It's so easy with a dullard like you. Does your mom have to use a shock collar on you or something?