Thaisticks's Replies

Speaking of dicks...^^ (Thaistickers is my twin brother.) Come on man, you can't turn off a Bobby D. movie! Hulu, streaming at home. They even had a guy introduce the film and say where the name derives. It's a biblical character who was big on revenge. Don't you know the rules of grammar? It really shows your stupidity. ??? Lol, don't tell me you really believe what you just wrote! Where's his healthcare plan that he promised 4 years ago? Why did he appoint to the sc judges who took women's rights away? Where's his tax plan? That's just like your opinion man! You find tRump's adoption of the term "reich" acceptable? We know your attitude toward gays now how do you feel about Jews? When will you stop beating your wife? Where will they put us to work, Lord Jackoff? Where will they put us to work, Lord? In 2020 Trump bailed on a debate with Biden because the terms — a remote set-up, taken as a precaution during the COVID-19 pandemic — weren’t to his liking. U S Bureau of Labor Statistics. You're the only fake thing on here. Wow! Because tRump was president when the economy went smash. Biden wasn't in any government post. You must know the facts to appreciate the logic. Like he did in '20. Lol! From CNN, following the 2020 debate: A post-debate CNN/SSRS poll found that 60% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 28% thought Trump had, with a margin of error of six points You should change your name to Reactionary Troglodyte. Why do you want to call yourself something you are obviously not? It just reinforces the meme that Repubs lie and are not ashamed to admit it. Biden respects women and would never appoint pro-birthers to the Supreme Court. This is why he will win and it's an insurmountable problem for the dumb one.