HarryShoulder's Replies

Gantz makes a salient point as to why your logic is flawed. At my college, there was a frat that regularly held parties, everyone on campus knew and referred to one room in the house as “the rape room.” It was an accepted part of campus life and partying at that frat, if that isnt rape culture I don’t know what is. I could just call you a dumbass if you prefer. It’s only derogatory if you think of it that way. It’s origin and most of its use was by those who self-identified as one. The first online community to use the term "incel" was started in 1993 when a Canadian university student known only by her first name, Alana, created a website in order to discuss her sexual inactivity with others. The website, titled "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project", was used by people of all genders to share their thoughts and experiences. It’s meaning has shifted to mostly straight sexually frustrated men gathered in other online forums like Reddit, 4chan over the years. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/06/05/incel_a_23451320/ Not even all the film’s antagonists are men. Women are complicit in the rape in the movie. You would be wrong. I would know cause I actually saw it. The main character isn’t raped, the men aren’t all white. It’s not anti-male, it’s anti-rape. Given how much you post about movies with female protagonists, I’m assume you have never seen a woman naked in real life. Good luck, incel.