spraghetti's Replies

it's never about the actual person to you sick people. it's just a black cutout you can project nobility or evil on, all in the service of making you feel superior. why is he ugly? is it his skin color or his black features? reported for racism. speaking for all of the liberal hivemind? "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." — Joe Biden, describing Barack Obama i guess the threat of a whack from a sock 'o bullets could work as a deterrent. then you have the gun in the other hand. so that's twice as deadly. They never have any specifics. They've just been told he's bad, and they get a cookie when they repeat it. What did Trump do wrong during the pandemic that Biden didn't? https://twitter.com/factsoveragenda/status/1589915525433692165 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn1nAfoXZrM How many people have to die before liberals are forced to take gun safety classes? Veronica - Elvis Costello Yup. Just like gun control laws. if you don't got Mojo Nixon then your store could use some fixin' You sound pretty judgmental yourself. Do Over (2002) I thought your question was going to be: "Have you managed to see all four of these movies, but only vaguely remember parts of the first one?" it's already a joke. https://cei.org/blog/wrong-again-50-years-failed-eco-pocalyptic-predictions Crush the Skull (2015) Coherence (2013) Chronicle (2012)