MovieChat Forums > ksio89 > Replies

ksio89's Replies

Not sure if serious or just trolling... I think it should have ended at Part 4, imho. It was the last watchable movie in the franchise, where they still cared for a decent storyline, had creative (and violent) kills and an interesting ending. From Part 5 on it just went downhill, way too campy and too much fanservice even for the series standards. Partially disagree with the critic, the 1st movie is generally considered to be pretty good, it got the tone of the games quite right and overall worked fine, I liked it a lot back in 2002. Lmao. More common than you think. "only thing to do is not spend a dime on new movies, and watch the classics." That's what I have been doing lately, watching movies before they had to fullfil a political/ideological/cultural agenda. I don't think I have watched a film made since 2016 or 2017 in the last year. Not only because of the agenda requirement, but also because most are bad anyway. You got me haha. I wouldn't say hottest as in most atrractive, but she was ridiculously cute in Alien: Resurrection. I think mostly yes, but she's doing fine in Stranger Things, and received a Golden Globe nomination, hope she can keep the momentum. Shame that her career was pretty much dead for 15 years after the scandal, she was very popular in the 90s and too talented to only star in minor roles. You've just reminded me that the man has been running in movies for almost four decades! Anyway, if action films is what he loves playing in, hope he still has a few years left in him. Still like most of his action features, but a dramatic role here and there for a change wouldn't hurt. Just rewatched this classic last week... and it didn't feel dated at all, still an effective thriller to this day, with flawless performances from the main cast and superb direction. Bruce looks reasonably realistic most of the times, specially during the underwater scenes where it attacks the cage with Hooper inside, I was on the edge the whole time, and I couldn't remember if he survived or not. "Part man, Part machine, All cop." (Robocop) "An adventure 65 million years in the making." (Jurassic Park) I found this gem after reading about Silent Hill 3 influences, most specifically, the wheechair scene. This is also how I knew Jacob's Ladder, which along with Blue Velvet, is essentially Silent Hill 2 in an interactive medium. RIP. Haha, I would have too. Yeah, I don't think the actress was bad, I just think the character was written. Also, the scene where she kicks a raptor after swinging around the pipe/bar was pure cringe, obligatory facepalm. I like JP3 better, at least it delivers exactly what the watchers want to see. I admit TLW has way better plot, but gosh, the preachy tone from Sarah and Nick, Malcolm's annoying daughter and the unecessary and campy San Diego sequences really bring it down. I'd be fine if the movie didn't include Kelly, wasn't so preachy and ended before they went to SD. Well said. I ranted about JP3 being too short, but on the other hand, I wonder if the filmmakers thought they didn't have much else to show because of the lame plot, at least nothing related to characterization. Maybe they wanted to make the film straight to the point and not pad out like TLW sequences in San Diego which I hated. I know the screenplay wasn't based on a Chricton's book this time, but I still wish that the writers could have created a storyline that included InGen or John Hammond in some way, in order to extend the runtime a bit. 8 years late, but I laughed hard at this explanation. Sometimes the chase is better than catch :)