SpaceAce2001's Replies

Of course the joker was going to blow up the boats, killing another couple hundred people was nothing to him. The fact that he was late on the deadline is within his character, he says he’s a man of his word but everything about him demonstrates that he’s not He was such a coward he just ran away. Honestly he seems to play a coward in everything he’s in and the worst was The Negotiator where he gets tied up, gagged and dominated. That was fucking humiliating Yeah of course they are going to have to simplify some things in a movie adaptation but here’s an idea: if they don’t have time to fully develop faramir and eowyns romance just don’t put it in the movie at all. Or cut out Arwyns stupid story which is literally one sentence out of the book. Unfortunately they seemed just as homo erotic in the novel. That was hands down the best chapter out of the entire book. I don't know what infuriates me more, not including Battle of the Shire or not even giving Saruman a proper sendoff. Lord of the Rings isn't a trilogy and even if it was Part III is by far the weakest. I will never forgive Peter Jackson for what he did to the Pirate Ghosts. The movie does this constantly, it begins a subplot that is fully fleshed out in the book but then they only half ass it so it ends up making no sense at all. Considering the circumstances I’m sure they would have let it go. Archer never killed anyone except for Castor, Pollux and those two bodyguards. It was Dubov who was killing people Yeah i think both Gloria Stewart and Juliane Moore were better See if they wanted to make a family film they wouldn’t have thrown in all of the sexual references, drug references, usages of the word “shit” and the period scene. True in today’s day and age that isn’t something anyone over 11 can’t handle but again if you want to make a family film you aren’t going to have consistent profanity. Also as I said in a previous thread while the plot of the film is easy to follow the characters emotions are not always spelled out clearly for the audience to understand and will probably go over the heads of young children. Again if you want to make a family film you don’t want it to bore children. It’s actually a lot deeper than people give it credit for. The Transformer films make an assload of money, I don’t know of many people who consider them to be good films What may have killed it was they tried to market it as more of a family film which turned off audiences that didn’t have young children. Now the content is nothing that objectionable (a PG-13 might have been the rating this film deserved but still it’s nothing that bad) the plot is easy to follow but there is a lot going on internally within the characters which the movie doesn’t spoon feed (the characters don’t announce to the audience what they are feeling) and this would fly right over young children’s heads. Rey is actually the child of Princess Leia and Jabba The Hutt The book was decent, the movie is the only Harry Potter movie I don’t like At least one of those guys is going to have to be "taken care of". I doubt it, he was an innocent kid who was abandoned by his family. They knew he didn't know how to take care of himself, I wouldn't have punished him for messing up Buzz's room. I would however have punished him for not telling the airlines what happened and instead knowingly stealing my credit card and going on a shopping spree all over New York. The thing is the hotel was right, Kevin did steal his Dad's credit card. Batman Begins was a huge hit and what’s amazing is that it’s the weakest in the series yet still one of the most beloved films ever made. The dark knight trilogy starts off strong and it only gets better Yeah that didn’t make much sense they should have blindfolded them and driven them to some town in Colorado I choose to believe that Cobb wasn’t dreaming but the spinning top is meaningless, earlier on the same level Cobb spun it and it stopped spinning meaning he wasn’t in someone else’s dream but he still could have been in his own dream. The spinning top at the end isn’t a cliff hanger of whether he’s still dreaming or not it means that no matter what Cobb has accepted wherever he is as his reality. The one with the kid who stole the clown nose. I was just a little kid when I saw that but it scared the shit out of me