mav100000's Replies

I actually met the actor's nephew many years ago (we worked together at a Hollywood Video before they shut down). Nice guy, and said his uncle was a good dude! While I love the series as well (and thought Nick Tarabay was very good, albeit a fully detestable character, played perfectly), I don't understand this upcoming show. Ashur was not exactly a favored character and was killed off. I don't like the history re-write and am not that excited because Ashur was not enough to carry the show himself. While he was a good addition and played the part well, I just don't really see how this will work. Still, I will likely check it out! Watch the shocked fireman again and look at his helmet. The badge thing on the helmet flops around hilariously, and clearly was not intended! Thanks for the reply! I also have the 4 disc DVD set, but I bought that back in college, likely between 03 and 05 somewhere. Getting old and I worry that it will wear out since I really only watch the extended cut. I would rather not do that (as my blu ray player is an xbox) but maybe one day! Yeah... but I'm hoping I don't have to! Unfortunately, IMDB's release date has come and gone without any release. If anyone has any info on an actual release date, please post it! It is a rating below 10 / 10... Also, it is alluded to at the very end of the film after April and Casey kiss! One of the turles shouts 9.95 right before the end credits start! But do you dare masquerade on the guy in shades??? I really don't want it to be remade. Too good on its own, just a shame it is so unknown! Still needs a blu-ray or 4k release in the US with both cuts of the film! I agree with this! Don't do it! I say it was Jeremy's stupid fault! Corey killed him but it was entirely on accident. Jeremy was a stupid kid doing stupid shit and Corey definitely did not mean to cause any harm at all. An interesting point! I was thinking not about woke, necessarily, but just leaning to one side of the political spectrum (family living in LA, tattoo-artist mother with red hair, DJ wannabe (but could maybe get there when a bit older) son who seemed like a bit of a wimp when the chips were down, possibly gender-neutral daughter), but your point is quite interesting. Plus, I did catch the whole two souls thing. Kinda opposite on the political spectrum! I love that guy and usually he is spot on! This time, totally! I am definitely excited for this but would like a more concrete release date! Plus, I hear Apple + doesn't like sending shows to blu ray... I'm hoping that is wrong! If this is even slightly good, I'll want it up on the shelf with BoB and TP! Thanks for the reply! What a shame, but I can always wait a while until pricing comes down... Can't wait to see it! I really liked VFW (by the same director) so I have some hopes for this to be fun! Edit: Just saw it. No, it isn't great in several ways, but I had a great time with it and really enjoyed myself! Don't think too hard and just enjoy the inanity of it and you will have a great time! Total neon-soaked escapism for depraved crazy fun people! I would at least consider it. Either way, if there is an extended version, I'd like to see it just to compare. I didn't hate the film, but definitely had issues. He did not. He walked away with the knife and the mayo!