mav100000's Replies

I, for one, love this! They are doing what they did with Kills hoping that they will still get a decent theatrical turnout while also catering to those of us who don't want to go to theaters. I think it is a great move and think it was a great move when they did it during COVID stuff! I have to agree with the consensus here - I prefer that they don't explain him. I think that is the best part of his mystique! He is scarier if we don't know too much and though there are parts that annoy me throughout the series (when he seems indestructible), I still don't want an explanation. Good call! Incorrect sir! Domino killed Largo in Thunderball! For anyone following along here, they have finally announced the new score. However, digital date is 10/14 (release day for the film), the physical media release is pushed to 1/20/23 (I believe, I know it is January of 2023). I find that particularly annoying but will listen to it one way or another! I will say that Firestarter was not my favorite of his scores, but that is super hard to do because of the classics! Still great Carpenter! (Also I must say I'm a Stranger Things fan!) For what it's worth, I really liked his Kills soundtrack, but yes, they are relatively similar. Good point! I forgot about that! I totally agree about the Lost Themes trilogy! I'm a big fan and can't wait for the Ends score to finally arrive or even be officially announced! I don't know if I agree with that myself. I love what he has been doing with the Halloween scores in general so I can't wait for one more! Plus, he did just do Firestarter, so you had that this year as well! Did everyone forget that EMP technology was used in the film? Nanobots are ROBOTS! EMP kills robots! He would have been fine! Precinct 13 is very similar in plot but not necessarily in style. Remember it was a super low budget film from the 70s. Still, I love both movies! Definitely a good sequel. I no longer love it as much as the original (I did when younger because I was able to see it much more than the original) but I will always love it. I wish they hadn't damn near copied the first film plot point for plot point, but it still works well enough for me! This response is hilarious yet totally accurate! HA! I think that was Singaia though! Still hilarious! I think I have some geritol in the jeep! I agree with what you say quite a lot, actually. I've seen it too. I know some tough women and I guarantee a few of them could take a guy, but when it came to taking a big hit... not so much. The best fighters I see are quick enough to get around many guys. I also see what you say in the movie industry and yes, it bugs me too. I do believe it can be toxic to women to constantly tell them that they can fight like men all the time. Some can! But most cannot. Again, I teach both men and women and I've sparred with at least two women. They were quick and one actually really challenged me with a few shots. The other... no. She is tough as nails but it was no contest, and I was hitting at about 10% with her too. I'm not that big or strong, really, compared to many. (I'm realistic about it!) But teaching women to be empowered to fight can really backfire on them, and like you, I don't want to see that happen! You hit it on the head though. Today, the pendulum has been slammed hard to one direction. It will come back eventually but in the meantime, we will see a bunch more tough woman movies where they kick men's asses because men suck... I just sigh and avoid those. However, if it was someone who actually can fight (like Gal Gadot), I'd watch because I'd believe it more than an untrained dancer-type (ie: choreography is the only thing keeping the fight going, not real skill). I have a slightly different take on all of this: I teach Krav Maga. Gal Gadot served in the Israeli army and was a "fitness instructor" in the army. She has Israeli Krav training. She is one of the exceptions in Hollywood who likely could take multiple men in a fight, and I count myself there! I would legitimately not want to fight her! Israeli Krav training is nuts! Now, I usually am very critical of women in fight scenes in movies for many of the reasons stated here. However, I can also say that I had to tap against a woman who was about 105 lbs. (she admitted as much) the other day. Now, we were not sparring or rolling and I had purposely put myself in the position to let her work on the hold, but still, it can definitely happen! My issue with women in fight scenes is that the scene often looks very choreographed and yes, you get a small woman who clearly can't hit beating up large men. With Gal Gadot, even though she is tiny, I believe she can hit. Yet many of her fight scenes are rough for me because of the choreography, not because of her. She is badass, but just because she is doesn't mean the choreography matches. It can be tough to watch! In the end, I teach both men and women and I've met a few women that I definitely would not want to fight, and of those, most are smaller than me. Hell, one is the daughter of a retired Army Ranger and fights just like him! (I used to train with him a lot.) The thing is, she is tiny, but I wouldn't want to fight her either! Could I win? Probably. Do I want to try? No! So it can happen. I just don't often believe it in movies. Gadot is another matter though! End of rant! I will talk about it and will definitely be watching with my wife! How bout mustard? Happy Halloween to all you mayonnaise fans! Fair enough. I admit I haven't seen every film in the series so I'm no expert!