MovieChat Forums > Louche > Replies

Louche's Replies

I hear people say this, but a lot of older movies were censored. That is incredibly weird. I never even heard of the movie until now. Seriously, Nickelodeon? The fuck? It felt more like an episode of "The Incredibles" tv show than a sequel to the movie. And there was really no development. It resets everything and by the end we're at the same point as the previous movie. Honestly, I'm not sure if she should come back, even though technically I want him to. Well, I'm worried now that there's this James Gunn fiasco going on. It could affect the GOTG characters further appearances. If it makes you feel any better, there's an alternate universe comic where Kranix is saved and The Autobots promise to help him keep the culture of Lithone restored or something It is pretty bizarre and shoved in at the last minute. Dracula's relationship with his father could have been the plot of an entire movie. lol that's not what they did, but they did do the van helsing thing. your idea is pretty decent actually.