DrRedPill's Replies

Toadstools are mushrooms. I don't need hallucinogens. _██_ ‹(•¿•)› ..(█) .../ I Well I'm just saying, not all threads have to be "fun". We can talk about politics and serious stuff from time to time. You can't tell me what I can and can't post. Oh, nothing just go back to gossiping about Selena Gomez. Cowboys and Aliens. I shouldn't have to explain why, I was with other people and I didn't really care for this generic garbage. I can only bring you the information. I can't make you listen to it. That choice is yours: [url]https://tinyurl.com/yd9vgh8d[/url] Sorry for the broken url. Fixed it. By the way, one of the actors was a pervert apparently? [url]http://www.vulture.com/2018/09/norm-macdonald-in-conversation.html[/url] [url]https://www.news-medical.net/news/2004/06/11/2381.aspx[/url] It's so obvious 65 percent of America’s adults are overweight and 31 percent of adults are obese. Have a set time like around 10 to go to bed every night. Don't use internet or play video games so as not to over stimulate the pituitary gland or "third eye" light sensing organ in your brain, and cause lack of rest. Don't eat directly before bedtime. Sometimes it's best to sleep naked,... but not if you're freezing. No. I only have experience in veterinary. I've seen neutering procedures, assisted in vaccinations but work is hard to find. Try not to sympathize with these people. They are just sadists. Insecure or not. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l93wAqnPQwk[/url] [url]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PtUmOMlWYcw/maxresdefault.jpg[/url] No I meant the quote has no original origin it's just common sense. No one "said it". I wasn't aware that someone else had said the same thing besides me. But it's just common knowledge. A burn resulting in discoloration of skin is a chemical burn. That's what a tattoo is. Except masochists seem to think causing permanent damage to themselves is "art". What you're saying is a cop out that denies personal responsibility. More than likely you are/were a bully that is trying to rationalize your behavior. Bullying is the result of stupidity, that's why you don't make friends with stupid people. Stupid people will ruin your life, and if they don't do that they will ruin your mind. School shootings run in abundance in this demonic ignorant nation as a result of it. 👍 👍