TheKindmanISBACK's Replies

Barbie is an iconic brand, and undeniably an important cultural milestone in American history, and you make a good point—how Barbie would wear many different hats. But… at first, wasn’t she kind of a stepford wives bimbo? A “trad wife”, every conservative, patriarchal man’s dream girl? Oh was that it? Still, the design and fx on him look whack… and they had the nerve to show the whole creature in the trailer. Looks like a cheap cgi monster from a video game. Because she knows they made a good point, simple as that lol Lol, one male? And then the father who crashed the car? You got me. Identity politics played no role in this film’s production and reception…… Hollywood would never do that! I’m just a silly person Oh ok So yours stinks too, got it I got news for ya: the whole thing is fake. When a group really pulls off something like this, you’ll hear about it. The last person I remember doing it for real is Sacha Baren Cohen. Stop it, you’re hurting my feelings Lol! I like you. You make these boards fun. You’re in Argentina? Lol, trying to bait them I see. You’re only further proving my point. I couldn’t disagree more. And honestly I think what you’ve said here is right out of the playbook, kind of a “Naa na na naa na” type of thing. Lol, it’s not hard to spot That one definitely didn’t have as much of a “girl power” vibe to it *edit: and it was really god-awful. M3gan was better imo The film was also directed by a man, fyi. Men in Hollywood are caught up in Hollywood identity politics as well, don’t know why you would think otherwise Sorry, not taking the bait Yeah I get that, I’m talking the film critics’ scores I still think the vast majority of RT’s scores are politically biased, if not outright sexist. I agree with some of that, but I still think there are modern, feminist Hollywood politics at play here. It’s all so transparent, in every genre, not just horror. You haven’t noticed a bias with regards to film critics, award shows, etc?