TheKindmanISBACK's Replies

I just watched it for the 2nd time, and I liked it more. The only part I don’t really like is the part with the other escaped mental patient. Probably to see if anyone’s in there Lol, you’re probably a Russian bot. Welcome to my spam folder. Adios. Translation: you got nothin’, except that I made a typo. Let me know when you think of something. I’ll wait. If I was your employer*, I would be concerned about your behavior. There is no reason you should be “anti” anyone for how they were born. Homosexuality is natural. It occurs in nature and is well studied, and nothing new. Get over it. I wouldn’t want you working for me. You’re hateful and a liability. NOW, if you have any logical and scientific reasons for being “anti-lgbtq”, I’m all ears. But I doubt I will hear a good-faith argument so whatever . Hence, flipping the roles, stereotypes. I guess that went over your head You probably have never taken the time to actually know a LGBTQ person I’m sorry you got fired from your job? You’re nuts. Homophobic much? I felt like they were flipping traditional roles as like a tongue-in-cheek nod to that sort of thing. Like how the table of white people were getting rowdy, asked to be quiet. It got a smile out of me. See I thought the 1978 part was cool. The way the cops were talking felt like a tongue-in-cheek nod to the way middle America “was” back in the day — like Leave It To Beaver or something. I will admit overall the writing was questionable. Felt like a hodgepodge, and like a first draft many times. That’s interesting you saw it that way. Or are you just trolling? I can’t tell. I thought it was ‘inclusive’ without trying hard to be, without feeling contrived, which is my main grievance with woke stuff or whatever. The movie didn’t have too much of an agenda, in my opinion. It seemed to me like an odd, mixed-bag homage to the franchise. It was kind of weird, to be honest. Hmm I noticed that about the voice too, good call. But I thought it was (somewhat) interesting. The movie had other problems worse than this yeah Yeah it was a really good role for him He was doing it because he cares—he wanted to emphasize to the man, No, you do not want this life. Yes! It must have been mastered wrong or something. I hate that shit. He is awful in my opinion. Can’t stand him.