Snoopy828's Replies

Same reason why snowflake conservatives get triggered about Barbie or any modern mainstream movie, politics. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ No No NO. Conservatives are racists, liberals are snowflakes. I didn't make the rules, I just enforce them. The extreme 'anti-woke' crowd is just as embarrassing as the extreme 'woke' crowd. This whole "us vs. them" mentality is childish and needs to stop. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________  ^^Thank You. This 100% I think he's a very nice down to earth dude. However he is very VANILLA Yes I'll give you that Just very odd feeling and not a lot of laughs The Empty Nest backdoor spinoff was pretty bad. Easily the worst. HM to the Season 5 two-part premier where Dorothy has fatigue. Such an odd two parter I would agree. I still love Rose but of the four she was the weakest (but still great) But let's be honest. The handshake looks seamless and still holds up. Whereas the CGI is marvel movies just gets worse and worse. Funny how T2 91. JP 93 and FG has better CGI than most of the crap that comes out today. Basically yes which is a little sad. If people genuinely don't like the film that's fine. But fi you only hate it because of the other two then i don't know what to tell you. I love all three myself If you don't like it clearly nothing I say will change your mind. However, you're gonna have years at the Oscars where several powerhouse movies are gonna compete with each other. This year you had three. I personally love all three. Gump won, and I don't harbor any resentment towards it. I love it just as much as the other two. Shawshank and Pulp also would've made great winners but they lost. It is what it is Meh. It's not as good as the Gable version and the Brando version Favorites so many: Forest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Catch me if you can, League of their own, Philadelphia, and the Toy Story trilogy. Least favorites: Ladykillers, Elvis, Charlie Wilsons War, Toy Story 4, and the Post. The film tried to be more like a Friday the 13th film, than a Halloween one * The kill were really weak and speaking of Friday the 13th, even the teens looked like they were ripped right out of one of those film ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ^^Halloween II was the entry trying to be a F13th film Yes. This show never knew when to end. It had a second wind in Seasons 8 and 9. Some moments in 11,12,13 but those last two years were absolutely brutal and extremely repetitive, and don't even get me started on bringing people back from the dead. And to top it off all the idiot fanboys are already clamoring for a revival. Like enough already it's over. I always found it funny how the early season characters seemed to be short lived while the later season characters overstayed their welcome and were kept on too long. I would pick Julian Richings as Death (only 5 episodes) could've done so much more with him. Also Ellen, Garth, Rufus, and should've used Robert Englund as a recurring character and not just a one off. Agree on Crowley. Just like w/Cas, Lucifer, and like many more started off great and overstayed their welcome. If Mark Shepard didn't leave the show, they would've dragged him along to the end as well. Really pisses me off they prematurely killed off Bobby only to drag along only to like you said make Cas into the pet dog, which he was. I hate Seasons 14 and 15 so much Castiel. Very sad because I LOVED him in Season 4-6. Just think he overstayed his welcome Saw VI Saw II Saw Saw V (love it and don't get the hate) Saw III Saw IV Saw X Spiral Jigsaw Jaw VII Ughhhh killed off the most interesting character on the entire show and a lame death at that. The cliffhanger should've been Shauna going to jail As someone who grew up in that time. The cartoon was semi-popular when it aired. But it wasn't until this movie that the turtles EXPLODED. After this movie came out the popularity of the cartoon and toys exploded as well