ChipDouglas's Replies

idiotic post "When Ray gets back and starts kicking again, he'll never even know he was gone. I've kept his room just the way he left it." so fucking creepy. omg you're right. Nice bating people into posts so you can scold them for their opinions I guess that's fun, but it's amateur. so sad you think that lmao ok except it is lol What's dumbass about it? for a family friendly Disney movie it's pretty intense. Yeah it sucks! What is the modern version of Seinfeld then? lol ok. It is still the modern version of Seinfeld It's good It gets way way way better and more insightful. Then after about 3/4 of the way through episodes it goes to shit again. Stopped listening at that point. I'm assuming you mean sarcasm here? "are afraid of being hit on by a homosexual and/or have a fear of homosexuality "corrupting" themselves or someone they know." Uh huh. Just like people are afraid of zoophiles hitting on their family pet or the pet of someone they know, right? "Homophobia" isn't a real condition for the same reason that "bestialityphobia" isn't a real condition. It's just the key word in a name-calling tactic employed by dullards. Implying people aren't disturbed by beastiality. I mean... I don't get it. Yeah they are lmao. This is too ignorant It's a movie Kubrick is pretty dumb no matter what age you are. You have to admit he is a pretentious director Thanks for the info! Traumatic events trigger and exacerbate mental illness. It's been a few years since I've last seen it, but wasn't he masturbating in front of the psychiatrist? Seems like totally sane behavior to me lol You give people very little credit, but I understand why. Just seemed like common sense to me that you wouldn't want to be lit up in an abandoned office holding a sniper rifle at night. Didn't people also come in to look at the space while those lights were on? There were multiple chances for an audience to notice this shit