Taeivon's Replies

>I don't agree with the rating, therefore there must be a conspiracy! I love how it's always something that happened a long time ago and nobody said anything when it happened. Only 20, 30 or 40 years later it's suddenly an issue. What's so funny? It has the highest rating out of all the Star Trek movies. Most MCU films are perfectly fine popcorn entertainment, whether you like them or not. There's not really been anything wrong with the ones so far, hence the mostly positive critical reception. Maybe this one does stand out as much worse than the rest. We'll see. On the internet it's more like 0-70% - Terrible 70-80% - Okay 80-90% - Good 90-100% Great He's homophobic because he treats gays like everybody else? Just the kind of logic I expected from the twitter mob. It's either bait or a twitter tranny who blames everything they don't like on white males. Why are people pretending like 60-70% is a bad score? That's way above average by all means of logic. This is some excellent bait. Can't really think of a definite "worst" episode, but there's a couple of episodes every season in the "average" or "not that good" category. That's nothing. Lady in the Water cost 70 million 15 years ago and it took place entirely within an apartment complex and had no big stars. Even if he bought the whole complex, it shouldn't have cost that much. I don't think you will since the odds will be really low. How could he possibly be? He's constantly referred to as the guy who ruins franchises and have you ever seen him on a list of best directors? Francesca Capaldi would have been perfect. Overall? Maybe. She was excellent in this, though. The fact that there are lots of people who assign sexualities to children and want to see them kissing and stuff is kinda creepy, isn't it? 90% of grown straight males will find her attractive, but only a few will have the balls to admit it. There's literally nothing wrong with it. You can look, but not touch. You clearly watched it since you can tell us it was never funny. How the hell does the humor feel outdated? It's the exact opposite. It's too modern. There were so many zoomer memes that I simply couldn't keep up with. I was actually willing to hear her out, but then she started spewing twitter buzzwords like "toxic", "gaslighting" and mention white people like five times. Piss off. If only there was a word for blaming an entire race based on the actions of a few people.