NoodlesMacIntosh's Replies

This review is spot on. I enjoyed it more than many other animated movies. Overall I liked it. It isn't a classic, but it was a nice way to spend some time with my daughter. I thought the first one was pretty good but I had no desire to see it again and no desire for a second one. But my 11 year old daughter wanted to see it and so we went on Saturday and I really liked it. It was a nice combination of silly and fun while being mildly thought provoking and teaching good morals. Definitely enjoyed it for a daddy daughter date. I watched Aliens not that long ago with 2 of my teenage kids. They can appreciate older movies. My son liked the first two terminator movies. I was actually surprised that they didn’t like Aliens as much as I thought they would. I still enjoyed it. I think it is superior to both Alien and Prometheus. I think alien is still a good movie. I thought the first half of Prometheus was good but didn’t care for the second half. Overall was disappointed in it. The mom definitely One of my all-time favorites. I don’t understand why it doesn’t get more acclaim The Doctor The Diving Bell and The Butterfly The joke is referring to the coffee commercial, but I think the scene is hilarious even without that reference. The way he looks at his wife and then hurls again is awesome. Classic. Great bad guy. Very memorable and interesting I thought he was fantastic. Showed great comedic timing- which something he is often asked to do. Yet was still able to bring some tenderness to role. He is especially great in the scene brushing the horse with CZJ. Absolutely should be higher. My teenagers just watched it and loved it too. It is an awesome movie and holds up get over time. Top Secret - by far his best work Yes these three with Heat as an honorable mention I absolutely love this movie and think it gets even better with repeated viewings. Mendes best movie and Hanks and Newman are fantastic together. One of my favorite movies. The look, the story, the dialogue, the ending- all just about perfect. 9.5 /10 I assumed that the tunnel he was entering at the end just went to the dressing rooms and not the actual rocket. One of my favorite movies. Loved it. Great acting, great music, high drama. Yes it is cheesy and cliched but awesome. I have had the same thought. He was fantastic and I wanted to see more of him. I think they put that in there as another nod to the Moses / 10 commandments typology that is throughout the movie. The avalanche is the equivalent of the Red Sea wiping out Pharaoh’s army. I know it doesn’t add to the realism but I was fine with it adding to the symbolism of Cesar’s journey toward becoming a mythic Moses like figure that frees his people. I’m watching this now for the second time. This film is fantastic. The whole series in great but the last two are phenomenal in every aspect of filmmaking. The moral development of Cesaer in the face of ethical dilemmas is handled much better than most dramas with similar goals. Completely agree with your post. Looking forward to more films from this director. I just watched this last night and I think they mention at the end that the rare and expensive pearl necklace that Selena stole earlier in the film was missing. It is the first clue that Bruce is still alive because he had it last. It’s only the greatest action movie and Christmas movie of all-time.