NiggardlyChigger's Replies

"What's that you say? You got fired from your job? Have fun being homeless loser! Come back when you get some money." No you didn't. You knew what I am, but it's not that. You wanted attention you got it. GlenEllyn has zero empathy. She thinks it's okay for men to go without sex. As a woman she's never gone without sex. ShogunofYonkers can fantasize about physically assaulting people all he wants but he's going to jail long before he takes out an entire third of the population. Who's going to protect GlenEllyn from beta males then? The government? In many ways the government is creating this problem by taking over the role of husband. Women can get alimony and child support, and we all have to pitch in for their health care and day care and everything else. Who needs a man anymore? This is a corruption of society and women are losing their place too. They let themselves go and still expect high sexual capital. A third of women are over 40 and bitter childless cat ladies. Nobody actually believes their fat acceptance movement. Why do we have such contempt for sexless men in this unfortunate situation? Read through this thread again, but this time, imagine that instead of someone who can't get sex, we're talking about someone who can't get a job and support themselves financially. It's beyond heartless. It will shock you how vindictive it sounds. Talk about entitlement. How dare a "loser" try to talk to you without permission. You're lying. The whole point of your story is that you know it's a turn-on for women to have men fight over them. Getting rid of the family has been a goal since Plato. It's the foundation of progressivism, the number one source of inequality. Steven Hawking predicted Earth would already be destroyed by now by global warming. You can look on github right now and see exactly what Katie Bouman contributed to the project. She contributed an option to change the font size of the captions. Are you kidding me? The media is trying to give her sole credit. She herself went through back channels to release information to them ahead of her team, and all the time referring to it as her discovery rather than her team's discovery. She's a fraud. The people who did the actual work are defending her because they don't want to be fired, for sexism. But it's not a scientific discovery. It's a theoretical rendition of a theoretical object. It's like when ancient Greeks used to draw pictures of Zeus or something. "Very cool". How about if government owned a movie theater? You'd have to go through a body scanner and then wear a seatbelt. And the bad movies would be free and the good movies would only be shown in one room and you would have to wait in line and not be able to buy a ticket in advance. Google actually banned the word "family" for their employees in internal communications. Family. Cantor would be proud. The PNAC document calling for the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan was written by 12 dual-citizen Jewish neocons. They were the ones with the motive for 9/11. Also Democrat Larry Silverstein who owned those asbestos-filled towers took out a double insurance policy against "terrorism", a first of its kind. He didn't show up for work that day, for the first time ever, in decades. Then there were the "dancing Israelis" who just happened to be filming the whole thing. They turned out to be Mossad agents who were running a fake moving company as a front. The building itself was being rented out by Israeli art students, none of them present in the bombing. Maybe an even bigger clue is who was responsible for the WMDs in Iraq lie. That was the New York Times and other liberal media journalists. This is not a "conservative" issue. Consuelo Pillar Josefina Inez Conchita No I don't think so. It's fun to see train wrecks, a movie that's so bad it's good. But I think people just want to have their values reinforced, in either direction. There's actually a lot of pressure on critics to make sure that politically correct movies get politically correct ratings. If a critic gives a bad rating to a black movie for example, he can be accused of racism. So he better play it safe. In fact one of the major trends is rating inflation. On IMDb, I think the average vote across all movies is something like 6.9/10, not 5/10. I don't think it was ever in the 5s, but it was in the low 6s and it keeps going up like an arms race. There's not as much competition for last place. Politics resembles this pattern too. Politicians have to propose legislation. You can't just be against something all the time like Ron Paul unless you are Ron Paul. It's not normally how you make a name for yourself. Call it ugly all you want. Truth isn't something to be "handled". Many of them have estrogen dominance from all the soy. A lot of the people you listed I don't think are actually vegan, or have only been doing it for a few months and the sex offense stuff would have happened long before. Bill Clinton said he was vegan for a while. Arnold Schwarzenegger is doing TV commercials telling people to stop eating meat. He built his body by eating 5 steaks a day. Now there's a jerk. The nail that sticks out gets hammered. Next time you can tell a cab driver all about how you're fat because of your thyroid.