TheHungryHippo's Replies

His list is very much subjective, he is only going off of his own personal preference and is not taking into account public/critical opinion. I for one DO NOT think that Spectre is really all that bad (it's certainly not a great Bond film but it is far from horrible) yet he has that next to last. 1. Goldfinger 2. For Your Eyes Only 3. Skyfall 4. From Russia With Love 5. Casino Royale I would have scrapped the Max Schreck character and replaced him with Harvey Dent. Also I would have put more focus on Batman, also I would have cut out that whole triangle between the Penguin, Schrek and Catwoman. De Niro wasn't in the birthday scene, Vito doesn't appear, apparently he walks through the front door but we never see him. Brando was supposed to come back to film that one scene just like Caan, Vigoda and Russo did but he just didn't show up so Coppola had to rewrite the scene in a matter of hours. As for Cici I still think Michael at least tried to find out where he was but I understand if he was hidden too well. Senator Geary definitely could have been someone to try to find out Cici's location. Also Ryder would have been so much better as Mary than Sofia Coppola however she decided to do Edward Scissorhands instead and I really loved her in that so I guess things worked out. The only reason Lector even threw her a bone was because he was pissed off that Miggs threw cum at her. She saw it as a way to make the lambs stop screaming. That makes sense, I'd imagine Michael would be very well motivated to find him however considering the risk he took to take out Roth, I'm also sure Senator Geary could try to find out for him where Cici was. Gotta admit though Jackson's Hobbit was more faithful to the source material than Jackson's Lord of the Rings was. Gotta love the cartoon's depiction of the battle sequence, it's just a bunch of random dots moving around and colliding into each other, LOL What's interesting is Kilgore also pretty much just does whatever he wants which makes me wonder "if that's how Kilgore fought the war I was beginning to wonder what they had against Kurtz". Definitely the original, the Redux doesn't add much to the film and it can get very tedious. However if you are really in the mood and you are curious go ahead and give the Redux a shot although I would watch the original several times beforehand. You gotta watch it more than once, I've been watching it for years and there are still things that I pick up on. Also I would avoid the Redux version, all it really does is slow down the film and it adds next to nothing. It'll be interesting to see if the Final Cut is the best version however. Yeah and that means it would be illogical that Cici would surface again as the gangster in Joey Zsaza's place because as soon as he did Michael would have had him whacked, he also would have found out which prison he was in IF he did jail time and would have had him whacked there. (if Cici's deal included some jail time I doubt the feds would have gone to too much trouble to keep him safe, especially since they already got whatever they needed out of him). Would the feds still hide Cici though despite the fact that Michael was exonerated and Cici's testimony didn't lead to a conviction? I feel like Cici would have gone to jail and assuming he was released before the events of Part III he never would have been able to resurface and start his own organization because Michael would have just had him whacked the moment he showed his face. (or he would have had him whacked in prison). There was also a rumor I heard that Joey Zsaza was supposed to be Willie Cici but as I said on another thread I do not buy for one second that Michael would have allowed Cici to live that long after he betrayed the family so it's does make sense to me that Cici would have been dead before Part III. Not gonna argue about Sofia Coppola, I don't have a problem with Talia Shire just she seemed to have quite the character change between Parts II and III. In Part II she was just broken emotionally because of the loss of Carlo yet in Part III she is a sadistic killer who is very much in the family business. Yeah Frank Pentangelli was basically what was supposed to be Clemenza. The scene where Tom and Pentangelli were talking about the fall of the Roman Empire would have been far more emotional if it had been Clemenza instead. Well we aren't entirely sure if Willard really did call in the airstrike, when he shut off the radio it seems he's not going to do it but then we hear " the horror, the horror" going on inside his head and we see trees being bombed so I think it's up in the air. I think in the ending there aren't any real answers. I always thought he wanted him to call in the airstrike and take out the compound. Kurtz hates himself and everything he's done but at the same time he couldn't stop, he just wanted to go out like a soldier. My interpretation is when everyone bowed down to Willard at the end they saw him as their new leader as he was the one who took out Kurtz, but then Willard lays down his weapon and everyone else follows meaning he has resisted "the heart of darkness" and won't become like Kurtz, then on the boat he turns off the radio meaning he has also resisted the urge to become like Kurtz and just bomb the entire compound. But then we hear "the horror, the horror" going in in Willards head and we can see Helicopters bombing trees so I'm not sure if Willard truly did resist "the heart of darkness" I think Coppola was equally annoyed by Brando.