JoWilli's Replies

needs to trim those chin hairs. WORLDWIDE $144,670,014 lokc her up! silence from the left as always. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that President Donald Trump, “Whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving” the White House after the 2020 presidential election. this is the whole reason for the plandemic. this reminds of that conspiracy theory Nancy spread for 2 years. remember when she said that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election? lol also that conspiracy theory the covid virus started from bats in a chinese wet market. haha FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday publicly acknowledged the agency’s stance that the COVID-19 pandemic likely resulted from an accidental laboratory leak in China. US Energy Department assesses Covid-19 likely resulted from lab leak, furthering US intel divide over virus origin you havent supported your theory that is wasnt released deliberately. your fake president is white. I heard it was lame and woke, he was on fox news a while back and was actually making sense. the nutjobs will vote him out next time though. the scary part is that if Joe steals another election, he will be 86 in 2029. . LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! MAGA til the end.... TRUMP2024 Joe has electrolytes. When Biden leaves the White House, he should go directly to the Memory Unit at ManorCare. Jill should be charged with elder abuse.