RolloLee's Replies

Eh, they're foster kids. They want a family. Plus it seems like the others had been in the group home for a good while. And Billy was sceptical about it all at first, and was basically waiting until the next time he ran away again. Urgh, can they just not bother please? I liked all of the jokes with "X, what is it?" Thanos won largely due to the Avengers' own hubris and stupidity. Thor could have aimed for the head, but he wanted to gloat. etc etc Yeah, I'm gonna blame the quality of the product over the "haters" or "incels" etc for this one. RLM theorised that the filmmakers realised it was just not scary, so decided to play it off as a joke. I've never seen an invisible jet before :O There was a Shining reference too! I think the effects are pretty much perfect! Like, fluid metal making shapes or going though things would look like CGI if we saw it in real life. Nothing in the film looks fake. I'm 25 so the film was already "old" by the time I saw it on video, and all the trailers and toy commercials passed me by. That said, I saw T2 as a kid without having seen the first one, so I had no pre-formed reasons to know which would be which, so I just didn't know which was which until they all met. It went beyond being out of place, to seeming like a mistake. I assumed someone's phone went off. "Good food, come!" All the characters that people love have left apart from Spidey and Thor, so things are winding out. I didn't mean the sales are starting to dry up, but the MCU is coming to a natural end. I feel like the rest will be more self-contained, so the X-Men will be mostly separate to the Eternals, etc. Mostly I was being facetious tbh But she's meant to be beautiful and alluring... lol she may as well tank two different fading franchises owned by Disney.