immattj's Replies

I had diarrhea when I woke up, so I took a big Donald & then I wiped my Trump. The toilet was clogged up, so Melania came over & drained my swamp. After 4 years of Fat Donnie, nothing SNL could do will ever phase me. Peter Dushy is just butthurt because he can't carry Fat Donnie's jock strap anymore. Conservative trailer parks: where men are men & their sisters are scared. A decent actor certainly couldn't do anything but be an improvement for the role of Beth. Seriously! I'd love to see the episode where someone does successfully bump off The Dutton Gang! OMG, but that is one horrible series! LOL! Remember back when Dementia Donnie thought there were airports back in the War of 1812? “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,” Now, lookie and my kinfolk done voted for our Lord and Savior, Donald J. Trump, 'cuz he done told me that he's bringin' back them there coal jobs, and he's gonna build that big ol' never you mind that they got themselfs some ladders down there in Mexico that can be used to climb right over that wall, cuz that don't matter. Yes, that gosh-durned wall is gonna work anyways -- I just knows it, 'cuz Trump done told me so. And Trump ain't never wrong. He even told me that Mexico is fixing to foot the bill for building the whole dang'd wall, and I believe that too! And annuther thing, I don't care that Trump done screwed a porn star, and then bribed that there porn star to not talk about the sinful acts they done did together, and then lied to everyone about bribing that there porn star to not talk about them sinful acts. Nun o that stuff matters one lick, and I still think Trump is the most Christian man ever because he done told me that he wuz! And Trump don't tell no lies! Heck, I got me six illegitimate, inbred lil'uns from my cousin Bessy Mae and that meth whore that lives three trailers down, but I'm saved too! Yes, Trump can run up the deficit, give tax cuts to all them rich folks, gut our national monuments, mock them disabled folks, lie like it ain't nobody's business and all that...but it don't matter to me, as long as I can swill lite beer, and sit around in my Confederate flag underpants, polishing my rifle and waiting for my monthly welfare check. I'm fixing to vote for Trump again too, 'cuz I ain't poor enough yet. Yee-haw, rock 'n' roll, and God bless 'Merica...and NASCAR...and Ted Nugent! Thank the Good lord that President Biden saved The USA from Fat Donnie!! The whole series should probably win an award for horrible writing. Nothing else about this surreal comi-tragedy has any semblance to reality, so I don't know why that should be any different. Hey, but my bad for constantly referring to all this supposedly going on in Yellowstone County. I took a look at the map(s) to refresh myself with the geography, & The Dutton Ranch is no doubt south & west of Yellowstone County. I'm thinking Jenkins was going to set up his Casino at the North East entrance to the park, which would actually put the goings on in, probably, Park County Montana (I believe both the North & North East Entrances are in Park County) & would actually put all this action to the west (not east, as I was picturing) of Billings. The reason I am going with the North East Entrance is because of all the Indian Reservation action that is an ongoing part of the plot(s), & the North East Entrance would put everything way closer to The Crow Reservation which (incidentally & I believe somewhat contrary to the story line) does NOT come all that close to butting up with the Park. What else makes me think that this is all going on somewhere around the North East Entrance is that whenever it's time for The Dutton Gang to take someone on the final ride to The Long Black Train (station), you will note that they are crossing the Wyoming line, but NOT into Yellowstone Park. Meaning if they were at the North Entrance, it would be a bit of an inconvenient drive to get around the park & into Wyoming. So I suppose it could be 212 out of Cooke City, Montana they are taking to get to that overlook where they go when it's time to kill a ranch hand they don't like anymore. I can sleep easier now that I have clarified that for myself. I am inclined to expect big things of Jimmy next season. He has participated in a murder during season 2, so perhaps he will take Rip's place on the team that drives cowboys (who are no longer wanted on the Yellowstone) across the Wyoming line to the scenic overlook where the Dutton gang sends them to ride "The Long Black Train." I haven't watched a whole lot of Kevin Costner up until now. "Swing vote" was Costner, right? I remember "Water World" & some flick where he was pitching for the Tigers & threw a no-hitter. None of those blew me away, but it was probably more the films than Costner's acting. What I will say for "Yellowstone" is that Costner's portrayal of a crusty, salty old rancher (I have known a couple) who has spent his life in the elements with his animals comes off as quite realistic to me (that is, when he is not plotting &/or conspiring to perpetrate some bizarrely nefarious scheme). & I'll repeat that Cole Hauser (Rip) comes off as a believably scary sociopath (that is, when he is not being impervious to being shot at close range with a 9mm or greater), the likes of whom I knew a couple & tried not to antagonize, especially when they were drinking. I feel that Costner's decent portrayal of the a fore mentioned rancher will forever be lessened by the far out events & goings on that he has to be a part of, in the series. "The Godfather On A Ranch" is how Paramount advertises this, &, imo, what Costner is doing in Yellowstone is not nearly in the same league as what Brando did in "The Godfather." But I will repeat from my last reply, different strokes, & add that: perhaps I like to take things too literally. You are a good sport, so continue enjoying. Wow, you almost punctured the final bubble for me. "Lastly, while it's not set in Montana," Believe it or not, I didn't know where they were filming it. The scenery is Yellowstonesque, & I guess I didn't want to find out that was phony also. So after I read your reply, I did a perfunctory search on Wiki, & according to Wiki, the Dutton Ranch is filmed in Darby, Montana. Although I have never been through Darby (in Ravalli County), I looked at the map & at least it's not light years away from Yellowstone County. (Probably closer than Edmonton, Canada is to Cut Bank, Montana). For some reason that I knew was fallacious even as I thought this way, I was picturing the Dutton Ranch to be a ways South East of Billings, & that, I am sure, is only because I have some familiarity with ag land in that locale. But I'll give you everything you said in your reply. I am afraid I like to argue, & I was hoping you would vociferously defend the series, & that would give me a chance to go on & on (which it seems as if I already have) ranting about what I perceive to be the downfalls of the series, & I didn't even mention the ep in which Kacie (on another typical day in Yellowstone County, Montana) rescued the damsel in distress by killing the meth-head & then the disposal of the corpse by cremating it with charcoal lighter fluid. "A quart of lighter fluid!?" I was set to type, "Give me a break!!" Anyway, different strokes for different folks. Enjoy the viewing, & I suppose I will go on in my contrary manner of viewing for the pleasure of being a hater. Thinking about it some more, I guess that recent episode where the Duttons hung the Becks' hired thugs up outside the Becks' ranch house (after the attack on Beth) with the "return to sender" sign on them, was probably fashioned after Jack Woltz (in "The Godfather") waking up with the Arabian Stallion head in his bed because he wouldn't give Johnny Fontane the part in the movie. (I read somewhere that Jack Woltz was Jack Warner & Fontane was Frank Sinatra.) Just an average night at The Dutton Ranch. I had a couple of minor nits with that episode. You would think that with as many enemies the Beck brothers have, they would have pretty good security around their pad. But since they didn't, & since the Duttons are quite comfortable with, & skilled at, killing people, & since they intend to bump the Becks off anyway, why didn't they just go ahead & do it the night they hung the thugs up outside the door? Also, at the end of the assault on Beth when Rip came crashing in, the thug that was (at the time) in the process of assaulting Beth, got off two rounds at Rip & at least 1 (if not both) hit him. I promise you that the thug was not packing a .25 or a .32 or a 380. I am sure that in that line of work he was carrying a 9mm or a .40 or a .45 ACP, or maybe something as exotic as a Sig .357. One of my earlier thoughts on this series is that Hauser doesn't do a bad job at making Rip into a truly dangerous sociopath; however, ascribing super human qualities to him didn't (imo) do the show any good. I suppose the doc that Dutton called to do some battle field surgery sans the hospital may have successfully worked on Rip in his office, but after two whacks in the torso from (at the very least) a 9mm & ensuing surgery, I am pretty sure Rip would have needed some blood products. I haven't seen a Dr.s office yet equipped for administering blood. I have wayyyy too much time on my hands, so I watch wayyy too much TV. I started watching this series because I am originally from Montana & have been homesick for many years & find myself reading fiction & nonfiction that occurs in Montana & watching drama & documentaries that feature Montana. ("Cut Bank" was horrible. I think they made it in Edmonton. Why didn't they call it "Edmonton"?) Anyway, since this isn't Yahoo Answers, we can be civil & agree to disagree. Although I perversely continue watching it, I simply can't enjoy it for the reasons you do (I don't like soaps & never watched even one ep of "Dallas"). I started being critical from the first ep. Kaycie (forgive my spelling) & his wife come upon a meth cooker who has been badly burned related to the lab exploding & Kaycie puts him out of his misery & if I remember correctly, the law was pretty much okay with this & saw it as justifiable. Not even in the "wild west" (like Montana, I guess, is meant to be portrayed) in the 21st century is that kind of euthanasia permissible. I'll tread cautiously with my next point, & I do not mean to imply any racism whatsoever, & I may have to stand corrected as my memories of Montana comes from only what I observed growing up, & my travels there, & that was long ago & I certainly didn't grow up in or travel the whole state, but the whole time when I was growing up in a quite rural agricultural/oil area, I saw very few (like I think 4) African Americans. "Yellowstone" so far, to my recollection, features two African American ranch hands & an African American law enforcement officer. That seems, perhaps, per capita-wise, inaccurate to me. I'll concede that where I find the writing to be ridiculously bad, some of the acting I find halfway decent. Kostner doesn't do a bad job of representing a salty old rancher, & Cole Hauser's portrayal of a truly dangerous sociopathic ranch hand reminds me of a couple of people who would rather fuck than fight that I knew growing up & gave a wide birth to. The old ranch hand with the Sam Elliot mustache comes off as ringing true & his interaction with psycho Rip is good. & every other word out of anyone's mouth is "fuck" used as a noun, verb, adjective or adverb actually is accurate. I'm not sure about some of those cowboy games & contests they engage in, I never worked or lived on a ranch so I guess maybe . . . . But over all, we will agree to disagree. On edit: "Think of it like Goodfellas in western garb." But the thing is, "Goodfellas" was a pretty good movie with a lot of good acting, & from what I've read about the mob, probably not a bad representation of wise guys & the mob. "Yellowstone" is a horrible representation of ranchers in Montana. What I mean is: it is stupid. John Gotti replaces Ben Cartwright to run The Bonanza. Can the Dutton's go a day without killing anyone? Is Montana so backwoods & medieval that they don't do autopsies on accidental deaths? (& if they do, are Montana pathologists so hayseed that they miss things like no water in the lungs of "drowning" victims & bruised necks & crushed larynx?) This show portrays more unsolved murders in Yellowstone County in the span of days to weeks than the whole state has in years! This is a totally inaccurate portrayal of Montana. It is worse than the movie "Cut Bank," & that was bad. Yellowstone competes with episodes of WWF for realism.