MovieChat Forums > crawfish

crawfish (57)



FYI, Donna Summer was still making music and having hits until the mid-'80s. She had one of her biggest hits, "She Works Hard For The Money" in 1983. In fact, she was making music right up until the time she passed away a few years ago. I'm thinking "I Feel Love" was chosen simply because it sounded good for that particular scene. You do know that hookers (whether they be men or women) are people too, right? They have lives outside of being hookers (which is just a job that pays the bills) just like anybody else,duh. It's still a pretty good film though. I read somewhere that part of the reason it didn't do well was because of all these other sci-fi YA franchises that had already been successful (like The Maze Runner, the Hunger Games, and the Divergent series) and that since it came out on the tail end of all those films, audiences were getting tired of them by then. So it was just bad timing for the film to come out, that's all. There was an expectation that if it had been successful, it would have started another franchise, but that didn't happen, unfortunately. I wouldn't call it a "megaflop", it made back part of its budget, but not enough to break even. I liked it too---that's what lifted it from being a run-of-the-mill sci-fi flick for me---that and the fact that it was just a good film anyway----also written and directed by women. I was thinking that too----if the Bond producers can't absolutely nail down Idris Elba for the role, maybe O'Connell could pull it off. Only thing is, he's still too young for the role---seems like the folks who make Bond films prefer to cast dudes well into their 30s and '40s for the role. But, yeah, he might make a good Bond, with some more experience under his belt by then. Depends on whether he wants to be. After Unbroken and The Money Monster (his first Hollywood films) I thought he was going to blow up more, but it's like he just disappeared after that, and didn't really build on the hype around those films (even though he was good in both.) Seems like he decided that maybe the stardom thing wasn't for him. I thought maybe he'd quit the business of acting or something, because I hadn't seen him in anything since Money Monster. His latest film, Trial By Fire, barely even got much promotion, so it sound like he prefers just being a good character actor without al the hype and fame, which he already is. That's cool, though. Weird---I like both actors, and I've never thought they looked even remotely alike. I'm surprised this movie got no real promotion, considering the subject matter. I saw a documentary years ago, about the actual case, and it was pretty messed up. What a stupid thing to say. What does being Jewish have anything to do with finding him attractive? You sound dumb as hell saying something that ignorant. And guess what---being Jewish is simply part of being a religion, not a race. Just like being Catholic or Baptist. Well, it's a spy film set in the '80s---of course it was going to be serious. I love dark, hardcore spy films (which is what this was) so that's why I wanted to see it. Plus it was good to see Theron kicking ass as the lead (all her fight scenes were great, including that final bad-ass one where she literally has to kick some thugs trying to kill her up and down the stairs---she spent months training to fight more realistically in those scenes, and it really shows. She's already proved that she's a good action star in other films anyway, and she's one of my fave actresses, so I really liked it. View all replies >