MovieChat Forums > abc213 > Replies

abc213's Replies

I'm not a Ross and Rachel fan and I hated it. It was awful. We already had 2 couples from the group. Now we had another? Dumb. Jennifer Aniston and Matt Leblanc had zero chemistry as a couple. The whole thing was cringeworthy, and not intentionally. And since they broke up like 2 episodes after they got together, what was even the point? Yes....after he saw Lawrence's will and determination to survive. When he found Lawrence after cauterizing his cut off leg. But regardless, that's not my point. Zep's task was to kill his wife and daughter if Lawrence failed to kill Adam. They were only saved by Tapp showing up and fighting and chasing Zep. If it wasn't for Tapp, Zep would have killed an innocent little girl, on John's orders. That is my whole point. That John was willing to kill a child. Yes, I'm aware there's 8. I've seen all 8. Can you explain what I'm apparently forgetting then? Because it doesn't seem like you're able to. I have seen the whole series. It has been a while since I've watched it though, so maybe I'm forgetting something. I didn't say he had to be huge. I said it was okay he was just a thug, but just make him a little more interesting. They were pretty lazy with shoehorning him into being part of Jesse's confinement. They should have not had him have that history with Jesse, and just had him be a simple thug. I'm not saying he was, or should have been, as big a villain as Tuco or the others. Just that I wish he was a little more interesting. I felt like I was supposed to care about his role in Jesse's captivity and their duel, but I didn't. Maybe it'd have been better if he didn't have a role in Jesse's captivity, since I think that built him up a little from just random thug to main antagonist of the movie. Yes! But he did it pretending to be a 60 year old woman and invading her home life for months! If he had done all of that WITHOUT becoming Mrs. Doubtfire, that would be different. You're judging her way too harshly, and honestly you sound incredibly stupid. She had every right to be angry because she was shocked and caught off guard. After a bit, she got over it and worked with Daniel. That's what matters. If you think you wouldnt be angry if you suddenly found out your ex was pretending to be someone else for months, you're lying. You clearly have a weird hatred for Miranda while rabidly defending Daniel. Neither was perfect. Both had flaws. But this is not one of Miranda's flaws. Her ex husband spend months dressed as an old fucking lady lying to her and pretending to be someone else. And you're saying she has no reason to be angry? What drugs are you on? And you think Buzz would have accepted your truce? If Kevin had said that to Buzz, Buzz would have laughed in his face. Kevin didn't accept it because it was too much. Buzz wasnt only not sorry, but he had just humiliated Kevin and then gets off free. And did you see the way his family was looking at him? Acting like he was in the wrong? I'd have told them all to go to hell. The Cosby Show is on Amazon Prime. Devoting your life to getting revenge on a years old issue is pathetic and disturbing. What Regina did to Janis was awful, but Janis should have moved on long before instead of obsessing over it. And manipulating Cady to get revenge for her was wrong. I'm the other way around. Both shows are great, but Breaking Bad is much more rewatchable for me. 24 came out before this show, and that killed off main characters constantly. Sons of Anarchy definitely wasnt the first. I found season 6 to be okay, definitely not that good, but watchable. Season 7 is the one that made it almost unbearable for me. At that point I only watched because I knew it was the last season. I think it was that bad because Kurt Sutter took over writing completely. He's a good showrunner, but an awful writer. At least for long term storylines. I'm sure he wrote a lot of episodes in seasons 1 through 5 that were good, but in season 7 it was all his vision, and it sucked. Hale, the cop, wasnt a scumbag. Neither was the black cop from seasons 4 to 6, the guy from Prison Break. And Nero was amazing. He did some morally wrong things, but I think he was overall a good guy. He came into this shit show of a family and club and was the best father figure Jax ever had. Forgave Jax several times for betraying him. Killed some people but they were bad people. 1. Season 2 2. Season 3 3. Season 4 4. Season 1 5. Season 6 6. Season 5 Season 5 is the only one I don't like. It's not terrible, but it's hands down the weakest for me. Darrell Crowe ruins almost every scene he's in. I didn't like the Ava in prison story. The rest of the seasons are all good to outstanding.