meathead's Replies

She was 14 (or 14 1/2 at most) and not 15 when the scenes were shot. IMDB states that fliming ran from April of 1983 to August of 1983, and D'abo did not turn 15 until January of 1984. Why are you unable to understand that official government birth records are not the same as claims by private individuals? It doesn't matter what D'abo says her DOB is, it's what's on the official records that counts, and they say she was born in 1969 and therefore was 14 when the scene was filmed in 1983, not 16 (IMDB states the movie was filmed from April 1983-August 1983, making her 14 1/2 at most when filming ended). Whether D'abo shaves years off her age is irrelevant - she claims 1971 as her DOB, you claim 1967 evidently, since that is the year she would have to have been born to be 16 in that scene. But both D'abo and you are incorrect (in her case, she is lying). Her DOB was registered in the General Registry of London when she was born, and they don't change it on request without proof, even for the person in question. I've actually seen it myself, there is no wiggle room here.