Anotherday's Replies

You drive under the influence, peak and swerve into oncoming traffic. Or, you peak, slow down while driving, and piss off another driver who decides to go full road rage. We see a lot of bad driving under the influence in Minnesota and it has lead to accidents. So. If you want to enjoy, please don't operate a vehicle. Same for drinking and texting. Just laugh. I would say it us. No breakfast at Pluto? Too bad. Black Christmas has everything else. It wasn't great, but this week is better. Sometimes one needs a bad week for a better perspective on life. I didn't say that and neither did the article. It was in there but not the focus. You gotta join us for the movie Club And your response shows that the simple answer of Go broaden your horizon requires a lot research and time than most people don't have. You didn't have time to outline it and had to give an example that wasn't even modern cinema, the subject in question. See it's funny because you're showing me that the "complaints are in fact valid and the "solution" you have is not really that effective. It doesn't matter if there are more movies available if people can't actually define where to go. It's like Malcom in the middle. When Malcom realizes he can do anything, he can't decide on one thing to do. Criterion collection... that's older movies generally. Lol That's not the modern cinema. Please give a better example. Plus remember, just because you have more options doesn't mean they're good or you have the time to fi d them. Actually it is time consuming. Putting the current trends of finding services, thumbing through selections, and making a decision, most people Actually spend more time searching that watching. Plus, you have to know where to search to get your Content. Not everything is easily accessible or with a person's budget. Man I'm getting chills at your responses. You would gave loved me 20 years ago. You're swimming in gold with that perspective. I could only respect that point of view. After seeing Force of Nature last night, I must agree good movies are still being made. But looking at the ratings fro. The last 19 weeks, the new movies are not holding up. The rating is 2.08 out of 5. Last night's movie and the one before did something great: a detective actually does detective work and doesn't get pulled into the action cliches. That's the condescending attitude I assumed you would have . People have lives. Not everyone has the time to go searching for entertainment when they have family, work, friends, and social obligations. When they look at what's provided in the service they pay for, and it's scrappy, then they disengage. That's a huge reason movies are dying in the cinema and steaming services are losing profits. That's why we're getting shit movies promoted to everyone and they're not watching anymore. Then comes the, broaden your horizons you lazy person argument. That's really going to win them over and change studios. I must disagree with you. Especially since you sound like me 20 years ago. I listened to a 30 year old mention just that. He finds the older films better and the newer ones to be trite and uninteresting. I would disagree as most streaming films fall into many of these modern issues. They are the bulk of what is offered and they infest the services so much that those hidden gems are rarely found. As for broadening the horizon, unless you fork out a good chunk of your paycheck for multiple streaming memberships, movie tickets, physical media, it's not always a viable option. Plus, streaming services actively keep things buried to promote their productions. Not bad. Good characters, decent mystery, excellent location, and reasonable situation. The first movie was better. But this was a good follow up. It will do fine and probably make a profit. I don't want to see it but that doesn't negate the good will people have for this because they loved Fury Road. Exactly. Sometimes we just don't agree and it's all good because you can enjoy it while I move on. Best of luck. Both. Sorry, but every time I hear his version or another trying to mimic it, I turn it off. Adult Monster Squad and Frog Brothers Vs. Vampires from 30 days of night. Aside from the terrible sex scene, it's a great movie. I really hate the song Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen.