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sonans's Replies

But which made terminators less terrified. Because terminators are infiltrators, built to fool humans, Skynet is smart to know: making terminators as foreigners is beneficial to infiltrate, because if terminators behave weird, humans would think: "He is a foreigner, of course he is weird." Can you name a better looking movie? Fury Road had greater reviews, but domestic box office was 150m. T-800 didn't use futuristic weapons to kill Sarah. That is what made T2 great: T-1000 rarely used guns. I wish they did the same thing for T1. There are reasons why in horror movies the antagonist rarely uses guns: Halloween (knife), Alien (mouth), Friday the 13th (knife), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (chainsaw), Scream (knife), A Nightmare on Elm Street (knives), Jaws (mouth), Psycho (knife). Using guns to kill is lame, it's painless compared to knife and mouth, that is why no other horror movies use guns. James Cameron didn't record commentary for True Lies, Terminator 1, The Abyss, Avatar 1&2. I'm sad he didn't record commentary for True Lies, I love that movie. Not true. Name a shot in the trailer of Fury Road that done poorly compare to the final movie. In this case is what exactly are you seeing that the rest of us aren't? A lot of people complain about the bad CGI in trailers for months, how can you miss it? Do you even watch the trailers of Furiosa? It had bad CGI and ugly green screens. Fury Road… Even with great reviews, word of mouth, and trailers (I still vividly remember when the trailers debuted on the internet, everybody lost their freaking minds), Fury Road barely made profit: 150m budget, 370m box office worldwide. What is the chance for Furiosa to get the same reviews and word of mouth? Nearly zero… actually, the only exception I can think of that got the same reviews and word of mouth was Top Gun 2. Not to mention Furiosa had god awful trailers. It's impossible it can be weaker than Fury Road: it had no story. When I saw Terminator 1 as a kid, in the final scene T-800 chased them to the factory I almost couldn't breathe, it's terrified. Now the movie was released, what is the twist? Is there a First Reaction that says a movie is bad? How about conscription? Most countries draft men only: And we are talking modern militaries, body size and strength shouldn't matter that much, militaries use guns and missiles. Why do most countries think women can't handle guns? How hard can it be to use a gun or press the button to launch missiles? I didn't forget Star Wars, I said: "Star Wars 7~9 was better than 1~3." Yes, 7~9 was bad, but 1~3 was worse. And Dark Fate was better than Genisys. New Tomb Raider? Old Tomb Raider was a success and led by a woman. When movies led by men fail, no one will use them as the reason why movies fail: Genisys, SW 1~3. She is hot! I've no complaints about it. And Indy 5 was better than 4, Star Wars 7~9 was better than 1~3. Using women as leads has nothing to do with quality. When they announced they will change the director for sequel Dawn I had the same concern: "Why? The first movie Rise was great. Why not use the same director? Who is Matt Reeves? Cloverfield? Meh, it was average." But Dawn turned out to be the best in the trilogy. When they announced Matt Reeves will do the third movie: War. I was happy: "Yes, Dawn was great! I've faith in Matt Reeves!" Then War turned out to be the worst in the trilogy, I'd say War was the only bad movie in the trilogy.