seagal72's Replies

I think once you get past 'Feildings' aren't I complete and utter glam-rock, soon see a naked emperor (for what it is?) Goodfellas is a horrible film, full of horrible characters and (apparently) beloved by horrible people (with likewise taste in movies) I prefer it to the (vastly overrated) original Fuck kids. Oh, wait a minute? Agreed. He's never been funny...but rode on the coat-tails of others that were. Vincent Price (obviously) 'Bad Boy Bubby' is the (slightly more) serious 'naughty uncle' of Freddy (although admittedly not an all-out gag-fest) But still chock full of WTF moments. Put it out on 4K, and I'll be all over it He's the first thing I watch every Christmas morning. Let everyone know when you graduate... Robin & Marian Rear Window (by a country mile) Thats why I said 'Diversity hires' I didn't state ethnicity... You (naturally) assumed that 'diversity' (as with most left leaning woke Democrats) means Black-Only? That's probably you're own bias coming out there? Apart from the (fat-arsed) black FBI agent (to whom her younger, fitter IRANIAN coleague couldn't keep up with) avenging the death of her mother (played logically by another black woman....but hey, that didn't stop the black/white brother/sister combo from 2015's Fantastic Four reboot, did it?) I was referring to the fact that the movie took the (oh-so unique) route of making 99.9% of the online scammers WHITE (when reality usually dictates they be Nigerian) There were a few other ethnics and gooks also....In fact, I think Jason Statham played the only nice white person in this movie? If you don't notice this trend....Then YOU deserve movies like this. I get what you're saying about his typecast/one-trick pony element. But to be fair, even 'Home Alone' is just the PG rated version of his (limited) tough-guy/criminal 'schtick' IMO, the Lethal weapon franchise is a better reflection of whatever range he may have? Btw, I hate 'Goodellas' (as a movie and especially a woefully misguided fanbase) It's because life has become one giant 'pity party' Especially since the internet has opened the floodgates for everyone to interact...being merely normal and/or average is pooh-poohed upon in these 'ME-ME' times. Mediocrity is celebrated and rewarded in all aspects of life. Therefore (on the lower end of this attention seeking spectrum) a sudden rise of allergies are now suffered by a abnormal percentage of the planet. Autism is the go-to diagnosis for merely the slightest of emotional upset...leading all the way up to body/gender dysmorphia (and the trans problem, and the many other entitlements it brings) Obesity is placed somewhere between autism and gender dysmorphia...but the symptoms (and more importantly, the cause of treatment are all the same) in that no-one is allowed to question or criticize the 'sufferer' (for fear of offence') despite the fact that no-one ever felt better and/or healthier being fat. But we've become too woke to tell people we give 'pressured' children hormones and beta blockers, we encourage obesity and even allow others to remove body-parts...all in the name of progression. A few generations down the line, I shudder to think what the societal-norm will be? Likely legalised paedophilia next?(you need only look at the Nambla debacle) plus the leftists insistence on supporting causes that (in all actuality) want them dead. Magnum Force is just as good (if not better) as the original (both soundtracks are awesome) The subsequent sequels got a little cartoony after that (but I think that ties-in with the fact that the critics thought the Callahan character was a fascist ?) To be fair, it came in for a lot of criticism (and calls of police fascism) back in the day. Which is why 'Magnum Force' (1973) made the line between 'law' and 'vigilantism' crystal clear. It was either Dirty Harry or The Good The Bad And The Ugly (I can't quite remember?) I can't get away with Tom McDonald. He seems (politically) to have the right idea, but always plays it safe (and throws in the occasional 'Now don't get me wrong" line into his cover his own back) It's not that I think he's trolling..:he just lacks the courage of his convictions to go 'all-out' in whatever point he's trying to make? Apologetically unapologetic (it would seem?) Congratulations on agreeing on something