joej2923's Posts

My S1 thoughts and observations (spoilers) Season 2 Rant - Did they even read the books? (Spoilers) Season 2 Rant - Did they even read the books? (Spoilers) I predict that she leaves Disney on July 17, 2023. What is your prediction? This is the first Transformers movie that I turned off out of frustration. Should Harrison Ford be the only man to play Indiana Jones? Maryland father dies after being beaten up on his doorstep by five UNARMED people. The Anthony Broadwater conviction should not have been overturned! Trump CNN Town Hall Highlights Tyre Nichols toxicology results. BAC 0.049 with some THC. Was he driving drunk? It's 4/20. Weed is linked to violence/psychosis/bipolar disorder. Fight legalization! Kansas City teen knocked on wrong door 10pm before being shot by homeowner. Mick Mars Lawsuit. What percentage of touring should he get? Rings of Power Season One Thoughts - SPOILERS Season One and Two Thoughts and Observations (Spoilers) My thoughts and observations (Spoilers) Would Short Round take over for Indy? Sovereign citizen gunned down by cops in Utah. Evil actions by cops or justified? Tired of these multiverses (spoilers) How woke is this?