melissah1982's Replies

That's what I try to do. If you focused more on the story and characterizations over the constant complaints and need to force views on others no one would care. I don't care who's black, white, long as the characters look how they are supposed to look and do what they are supposed to do. I have more complaints about how the Addams's are characterized than I do which actor is what color. But if they complain about racism, it's hides the fact the show is a pretty weak show and keeps people talking about it in spite of its many flaws cause...racism! when they can't let a show speak for itself, that's when you see these claims come out. Definitely agree with everything you said. I just binged it Saturday night and though I liked it, I kind of was hoping for something a little more. The whole Harry Potter thing was a little much for me. It was Harry Potter meets Scooby Doo meets Monster High. Not necessarily bad just...I dunno...not really my cup of tea. I do prefer when it's a fish out of water scenario with her in the normal school. I definitely have to do a little more research on the comics maybe but I found a lot of the Addams's actions really out of character. For example, the parents punishing her by taking her to boarding school over the piranha incident when I feel like they would be praising her for her creativity and things. Gomez acting all remorseful and stuff over that death when their whole identity is death and all that. I dunno. Again, maybe I missed stuff or something but...The characterizations in this sense just felt off for me. I'm also not a big mystery fan. I'm boring that way I guess. Not a fan of 100 red herrings and trying to figure out who's guilty of what. I hate fake mis directions and stuff. The characters I liked turn out to be bad and the characters that creeped me out turned out to be good. Maybe that's a message judging a book by its cover but it was a little much for me. Loved Morticia, loved Fester, Thing DID steal the show. Wednesday was good and all the other characters were cool. I'm interested to see what a season 2 does. I wasn't happy with all the forced woke stuff; it was so unnecessary. I had no issues with the casting; everyone was great. I think my annoyances came when they felt the need to add stuff into the conversation. Wednesday says a line like 'are you MANSPLAINING' something to me? it was obnoxious. Or how all the good guys were the women and all the bad guys ended up being the men. The one guy I actually routed for and liked turned out to be the villain while the one with the creepy rapey eyes was the 'better choice'. shrouded in mystery until the was really weird. And how it was supposed to be all the girls that asked the boys to the dance...unless it was a Sadie Hawkins or something it just came off weird. I'm not saying women can't ask guys out but mix it up so it doesn't come off so obvious you're trying to make a point about genderism. The boys came off very feminized in order to boost up the strong female characters. I'm not saying it completely ruined the show for me, it was just something I was noticing as the series went on. This probably could have been a 6 episode series instead of 8. I think around a 6 or 7. I was pleasantly surprised by it. I was so happy they chose some little references without doing full on recreations of scenes. They had some of their own funny moments that will stick with me and I liked the overall plot of trying to fill the old man's shoes. That's what I took it as Was very sad to hear this today. I loved Clarence on Walker and am actually re-watching the show the last few weeks. This was my show as a teenager. This was hit close :( I haven't watched it in context last night. A part of me thinks it was very staged by Kanye so I don't know how impactful it really was. I WANT to like Tim and watch IRL for background noise but it's always so over the place and some of the views are just so obnoxious. but hey, I am sure this controversy has taken the fuel out of the Tim/Adam high school drama that happened over the weekend...convenient. Yep. the dog was super adorable. I loved this whole idea that they all thought he was a menace, but the people loved him on social media and he becomes this breakout start and a means for the royal family to connect to their people. I wish they had fleshed this out more than having the generic 'villain exposes innocent commoner' trope. But it's a Hallmark movie so it's not going to be that thought out sometimes. One of my favorite moments was the Corgi race; that was super cute. I can agree. I enjoyed Falcon and Winter Soldier...would have preferred a stronger villain but whatever. I can't believe we're still in Phase 4...I think they just need to end the whole Phase thing anyway to be honest. But I was pleasantly surprised at this special. It was cute and funny. I even had to download that opening 'Christmas' song, it was too epic not too. I enjoyed it very much but there was a part of me, based off the advertising, that thought it was going to be a little more spoofy of the Star Wars Holiday special. I don't quite know what I was expecting but I enjoyed it regardless. The only thing I could disagree with is the adult daydreams. I think a lot of people do it all the time. Especially if they are bored, depressed, stuck in dead end jobs. So that doesn't bother me. But I agree with all the other stuff. My problem is when it's a movie that's still watched on the regular, it's hard to do the 'hey! Remember that!' thing because...YES...we do...we watch this movie every single year...for 24 hours...EVERY Christmas! Whereas a movie like 'Top Gun Maverick' works a little better because, though it was a popular movie, 'Top Gun' is not something a majority of people watch on the regular or really think of watching. So it does have the feeling of being away for a while. I haven't seen the movie yet but I'm just planning on going in with the mindset of it's just being made for stupid fun. It will probably be a once and done for me; it could never beat the classic It's such a trope but it gets me every time. I'm pretty sure they stole this from The Princess Diaries and I'm ok with that. It was well played here. I love how he always pushed back on the queen, and she allows him to do it. But yea, I'd have to fine one of the other 100 small sovereign countries in Hallmark land to work in because I don't think I could handle years of watching the person I love with someone else, lol And I can't even buy that. 2022 and some of the highest caliber equipment ranging into the billions of dollars and no one can tell definitively where it came from? Sure Jan... Philip is my favorite. I think because I don't follow the Royals that much I can watch the cast and not care how close they are. But I love Johnathan Pryce so was excited to see him. I have actually liked all the castings for Prince Phillip. I don't know anything about him in real life but he's my favorite character on the show. I'll admit, the only queen I have liked was Clair Foy. Very elegant and human but regal. The other two are just too cold for me and once the stories started shifting from her storylines to everyone else; she became a side character so it's hard to relate to her. Maybe that is how we are supposed to feel but I don't like it. So, I can only base my comments off the TV show. I was young when they got divorced....10 maybe so I remember hearing about them and going through all of the hoopla and like 15 when she died. The Papers were very sympathetic towards her but I was never interested. Prince William was a cutie though, haha. Anyway, so after watching 2 episodes into season 5 I'm already over Diana. I'm not saying Prince Charles was a saint and he didn't have any blame and we can all hate the royal family all we want I just...I'm over the wining, OMG. I completely agree with Prince Phillip in the scene where he tells her 'There's 100 things you can do to find enjoyment in the situation; just keep your mouth shut.' I don't care how old she was; she was old enough to know what she was getting into. Once she knew there was something going on with Camilla, she had many chances to bail before the wedding. I just...can't deal with people who make a decision and then want to play victim afterwards. Now, I'm not in her shoes. I don't know what I would do in the situation, but I do know that the idea of tell-all books and tell-all interviews are the lowest of the low scummy thing to do and I don't care how bad you think you have it. I get the TV show is drama but even in reality it always seemed like all this started because 'no one would give her a hug'. So I agree. People got married much younger than Diana. She's not the first, not the last. I don't buy that in 1980/1981 things were so primitive that she didn't have any access knowledge of what to expect or what was going on. That's what happens when people just vote blindly. 'vote blue no matter who' right? It's sad and I just feel it's cruel to have him run and it's scary he will be elected. The man had a stroke and it's obvious he's not well. This is beyond party sides; it's just pitiful and I feel bad for the guy. but if he's elected, I have no sympathy for those assholes voting for him. I don't want to hear a damn thing later on. I can't even watch the videos of his interviews and debates. It's so sad and cruel. From a few seconds of video you were able to see the face and age of every single one of the 10,000+ people in attendance at every single one of the shows Elvis was at? that was some skill. Keep in mind women's make up made them look a LOT more mature than they were. I am curious as why this matters to you so much? Every artist goes through it. music was changing and Elvis was touring and not in the modern media anymore. He also wasn't as focused on releasing hits like he had been and like others were. Of course he wasn't going to be as popular and as famous as a Led Zeplin, David Bowie, or recently soloing Paul McCartney and John Lennon; they were actively focused on chart toppers. Fans come in waves, that's why there are revivals of bands every few years. Also, remember that in 1972 there was no social media. no internet, no tik tok, no youtube to share and spread info and media around. No adays barely anyone loses relevance but back then it was a much tricker field to cross. Just because you didn't see a mix crowd doesn't mean they weren't there. Do you not know of the story of the little blind girl at one of his shows? anyway, you think what you want. Doesn't matter to me who went to Elvis's shows. He sold out every single one regardless of age. well...that can be said about every artist. He sang hundreds of songs; they can't all be winners. But the ones that were made him a legend. I'll check it out. You are right about the song arrangements. I was never a HUGE fan of 'Suspicious Minds'. it was ok. It's one of his most popular songs but It was always just a weird Rythm to me. Then I heard the live version and it's so much faster/more energetic so if I listen to the song, I prefer his live TTWII tour version. The same goes with 'A Little Less Conversation.' The original is ok, nothing special. But it wasn't a hit. Then you get that remix that came out in the late 90s/early 2000s and it's now iconic. Not every song needs to be rearranged but it's interesting to see what can be done with some of them. I didn't want to respond to him because it's obvious he's only posting to rage bait. He hasn't watched any of the live videos because if he did, he'd know he was wrong. He can go watch the live 'Love Me Tender' and be completely disproven. Also, you don't sell out every single show with just 'elderly'.