Crocodile's Replies

I wanted Hummels instead of Koch,Brandt instead of Gross and Adeyemi instead of Muller Yeah i had many bad experiences on Reddit,but many of them were on that subreddit. Thats a shame because HIMYM is one of my favorite series ever,but it has such a terribile subreddit. By the way i think many people who were part of the fandom during the series,left the fandom after the awful ending,and never came back,thats a shame. Some of them came back to the fandom with time,some others didnt. Maybe they could come back if there will be a reunion,who knows. 100% agree that script was great and unjustly criticized Joss Whedon was maybe woke in the 90s,so the good kind of woke,but he is not woke for modern standards,in fact modern woke people hate him and canceled him. So he is now actually Based. Isnt too soon a debate in June? They usually do it in the Fall right? They are favorite but Atalanta must not be underestimated. They play very well too. Angelina from Italy By the way they received a review bombing by BTS fans for a joke about the BTS. True Good ideas but they must be written by "not woke" writers,otherwise the irony will be bad like the one in How I Met Your Father. If there will be good writers both spinoff could be succesful with critics and audience. Awesome movie. Parody movies must come back. Great body but recently she has short hair and i think she looks better with long hair Yeah but one could think that the way "original 2015 Marty" raised his son could have led to his naivety and arrest. Thats my theory at least,the real beginning of the set of events that led to the destruction of his family started there. What did he do on Twitter?