GingerbreadPimp's Replies

These reactions aren't promising at all considering that first reactions for even some of the weakest Marvel movies were all very positive at first. I'm expecting a negative RT score for this one. 5 people walked out at my showing. Yeah, it wasn't very good. No, it's one of Woody Allen's worst imo. The story is a snooze, poorly paced, and filled with so much terribly pretentious dialouge it almost plays out like a parody of a Woody Allen movie. As a debut film from a director, I think it's fine. It has a slick style to it and the story is simple, but engaging with some tense moments. With that said, I don't think the characters are that well written and even for a short movie it does drag a bit in the 2nd half. Overall though, it's a decent low budget thriller with some great dark comic moments. Despardo is a much better film though. You won't find a better examination of the punk scene of the 80's than The Decline of Western Civilization The tranny served no purpose other than to appeal the libs Elvis in pretty much everyway. The Razzies shouldn't be an indicator of anything How does thinking TLOU2 story was bad make the alt-right and an incel? It was poorly written. Nothing about it was political. No. It's the worst of the 4 It's a shitty experimental arthouse film with MAYBE 20 minutes of content stretche out to almost 2 hours with not much of anything happening aside from a couple of cheap jump scares. Hope you enjoy looking at walls for almost 2 hours, because that's what most of this movie is. shut the fuck up No. This is based on a book There isn't such a thing as a sane leftist WTF! No wonder it's flopping at the box office I miss films that didn't push SJW politics It could have been even shorter than that. There was no reason for this to be over 3 hours. So many pointless side characters that didn't add anything to the story. I enjoyed Brick and The Brothers Bloom. Not sure why he felt the need to start inserting his politics into all his movies. There is a very raunchy party scene in the beginning of the movie Saw it last week. It's pretty meh. The comedy is hit or miss. Some of it works, but other times is trying way too hard to be crude and raunchy. Performances are good, but characters themselves are pretty one note and the writing is very average. From a story point, it's not anything you haven't seen before and pretty typical rise and fall in Hollywood story. Does not need to be 3 hours at all. If you have time to kill and really want to see it than maybe give it a shot, but otherwise i'd wait for VOD.