VoiceofReason's Replies

its tough because technology is like "a rising tide raises all boats". but you are right without the harnessing of fossil fuels and energy we would not have had the ability to do everything else.. but everything has consequences as you are seeing now seemed like the hero to me! umm what... you have serious issues.... this is what right wingers sit at home thinking about? ya but a lot of these dtv moves its like Segal. they have him as the "star" but hes not even the lead and only in a few scenes lol this one... I will watch anything with jack black in it. Except that jack and the bean stalk movie. knights in white satin too one note, no particular skill. funny to me but just kinda always the same. I'd say no but who knows. She was never particularly talented and it seems the drugs have permanently damaged her. My guess is its taken although I am far too afraid to check google and see.