DoctorThirteen's Posts

Not one of Bava's best, but entertaining enough Mild, but enjoyable kinda proto-slasher thriller "Why ‘Jaws 2’ Is Technically A Slasher Movie" Some interesting ideas but they could have done more with it Still a really fun watch Really not bad Deserves its place in horror history You can like it or not - but nobody can deny its iconic status Real life 1988 murder of Janet Leigh's stand-in on Psycho Interesting for comparison to both the original story and The Innocents (1961) Lives up to mediocre expectations Anybody here seen this? One of THE great film comedies! Dammit 'HelloSydney', why did you leave MC? Touching tale of old school grit Not really a horror Absolutely stunning The mirror in that poster A perfect haunted house movie Pamela Salem (Miss Moneypenny) dies at 80