DoctorThirteen's Replies

Are you a straight guy? Or a gay woman? If so, you're missing out! He was a good serious actor, too. <i>'Movies DO NOT have to be all things to all people'</i> Amen to this. Better than the original <i>The Omen</i>? Thanks for your review. I haven't seen this or <i>Immaculate</i>. I'll probably wait to watch <i>Immaculate</i> first. She was creepy as hell! Yep, 'it's Covid', 'it's viewing habits', 'it's misogyny', etc. Everyone's fault except their own. Sorry, yes that's right. No, I think he lasted about a month. *Ba Dum Tss!* 😂 😂 😂 Good to know. I hope they don't butcher them here in the UK (we normally do okay as regards censorship of horror films). Nice! Ah, right. Happy Birthday, Idina! Happy Birthday, Ted! Happy Birthday, Stephen! Happy Birthday, Colm! Happy Birthday, Keir! <blockquote>If this movie flops, it will be because people are assholes. They revel in not going to the theaters anymore, saying they can stay home and stream it on the comfort of their own sofa, with their own bathroom and snacks. That's great, pin-dicks. Why don't we just find every POSSIBLE way to sit around on the sofa, never leave the house or doing anything in a public setting. What's next....virtual bowling--you can do it at home in your pajamas. This is why there is an entire generation of weak-ass db's.....with scrawny, ropey little arms, and zero global perspective or social skills</blockquote> 😂 I don't disagree with you, but you made me laugh! <i>'I seem to remember there was a bit of a disturbence in the theater while the movie was playing, and later my sister told me that part of the ceiling fell down.'</i> I hope that happened just as some building was being destroyed onscreen! <i>"Worst Excuse for an Actual Movie (All Concept, No Content)"</i> 😂