LDMcCoy's Replies

If my personal stance on politics had anything to do with my hatred for Don't Look Up (there's plenty of other reasons I hated that movie) it's because I actually AGREE with the filmmakers' positions but think the movie was so unbearably self-absorbed that it was obnoxious. It was also unfunny, too long, and the in your face editing and messaging was the work of hacks not artists. I'd argue that Old and Don't Look Up were both poorly made. The acting in Old was atrocious, largely because the dialogue written for the characters was so stilted. Don't Look Up was a one-note, one-dimensional farce with overly conspicuous editing designed to make the movie appear so much more than it really is. Agree! I honestly don't think I was too hard and I think most people agree Don't Look Up was a terrible movie and one of the worst Best Picture nominees in some time. Dune certainly has its detractors right now, but I'm convinced that in about 2 decades it'll be looked back on in the same way as The Lord of the Rings. In that case, what did you see that didn't make either of my lists? It's not hard to see the spice being the universe's equivalent of oil. (The way wealthy offworlders invade to seize control of a desert ecosystem for its natural commodities). That's the reason the spice is so important. In his 1965 novel, Frank Herbert foretold a future marred by violent struggles over energy that has very sadly come true in the form of Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Ukraine. I don't agree that everything about this movie is as dull as you claim. The cinematography is some of the best in the sci-fi genre and the production design is nothing short of inspired. The Sardaukar planet resembling a Mayan society complete with human sacrifice pyramid perfectly illustrates the imperial guards' ruthless nature. The acting was also quite good. Paul's breakdown in the tent with Lady Jessica was both troubling and tender, and I liked how Oscar Isaac made Duke Leto feel like a distinct sci-fi leader rather than just rehashing Poe Dameron. As for the 80s version of the film, I get people's enjoyment, but as an adaptation it's an absolute travesty. The characters are cartoonish particularly the Harkonnens who are much more cunning and scary in the book than Lynch portrayed them. David Lynch also washed out most of the stories rich allegory: a condemnation of modern colonialism. This is why I believe this remake to be so superior. It actually understands the urgency of the work it's based on. What the general gripe is that it just isn't what people expect from a modern day space epic. Personally, I think audiences are so drunk on the zippy KAPOW! factors of "Star Wars" and Marvel superheroes that when something like "Dune" comes along, they don't get that there is so much more you can say with a fantasy concept. Much like the book it's based on, "Dune" isn't a typical escapism. It's a meditative look at modern day colonialism, mankind's addiction to nonrenewable energy resources, and religious extremism (all of which are due to be more fully explored in Part II). I'm glad to hear that you have such strong feelings for the Robert Wise version. It is only by a narrow margin that I prefer this new remake. Spielberg's cinematography is much more whimsical than Wise's which is why I preferred it slightly more. I also felt the acting was superior in the new one as well, but again only by a little. I personally don't consider either to be GREAT films. Thank you for that suggestion. I'll definitely consider doing that from now on. I certainly did. As a big fan of the first 2 Raimi films, I was very pleased by how they paid tribute to the characters in those films. Sorry, but I already made a long-version unscripted one for that movie. It takes a while to write, record, edit, and post short ones so I do the long ones a lot because they're easier. Thanks. Thanks. I recorded through a different mic for the first time and thought it sounded 100x better than my previous recordings. Thank you for the compliment. I'm actually very self-conscious about it and have felt in some of my other videos that it sounds too shrill. I think I finally found the right audio recorder. Thanks. You don't know the strength it took not to go a .5 lower. Oh... my apologies my liege. How foolish of me to think that someone of your distinguished status would ever consider clicking on one of my lowly videos. Perhaps some day you would find it in your heart to grace me with such an honor (=_=) No. My friend and I thought it was decent. Yeah. That's basically what we thought. According to Warner Bros., the box office is irrelevant when deciding on a sequel. https://movieweb.com/dune-2-hbo-max-streaming-numbers/ 1 out of 4. We both gave it that at the 29:12 mark.