MovieChat Forums > 123Guy > Replies

123Guy's Replies

I'm not paying squat to go watch a terrible movie. But i do pay for good films. this is the first time inverted tale I've seen. Star Trek TOS did a time speed up thing in the 60s, I don't recall anything quite like that one either. - also, there were major time speed issues with its plot. time couldn't really line up at all with that take. the super fast people would have had to sleep for days at a time to match up with the regular speed people. It was entertaining I grasped the time inversion stuff, followed the plot fine on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd viewing, and MOST of the time, everything worked, and looked like it was well planned out when written for the screen. That said, I will plead "suspension of disbelief" for anything that doesn't work, for entertainment purposes. That THAT said, I'm not exactly sure which car crash burn you are discussing specifically. I remember seeing a car flipping and wrecking that was part of a later backwards wreck, which worked and made sense. ? Did you mean that? Where they were driving and a car came at them rolling over and over which was the car from a future action, from inverted side, coming back at them. I plan to watch again soon, maybe I will see car burn part. You are only proving my point again, and still: that YOUR values are more important than MY values and only yours get to survive as important. Literally, what gives you the right? Nothing. Nothing gives you any right to decide this. (yes this is just an example for discussion) <b>THIS is the entire problem.</b> Who's morality gets to dictate everything? The LEFT's constantly moving goal posts seems like a really bad idea. BUT, they think it is in stone... and it is, for whomeever is making the decision AT THE TIME. slippery slope. luckily, dumb thing eat themselves and never last. because they don't really work. :) "I also think that your comparison to someone not wanting to see a violent rape, to seeing the colour yellow as ridiculous." Thank you, that is a PERFECT example of "Subjective moral enforcement" and you dsiplayed my point perfectly. YOU are deciding which offense is ridiculous.... OF MINE. When we all get to do that, there is NOTHING left in the world. Just a movie showing a grey painted wall, and nothing else, for two hours. And even that color will offend someone somewhere. I'm fine agreeing with our agreeing :D but you are allowing the tip of the ice berg that I, and many others, see as THE massive slippery slope. So, I want to stop that. We already have a rating system in place that has been very effective for decades - before the internet gave everyone's personal offense as voice as most important of the moment. Here's where it's headed (and this happens TODAY already) its a 1.5 minute clip "Anything that makes me uncomfortable should be illegal!!" hahhah exactly Bruce Jenner is a joke. OOOH SO BRAVE. "Woman" of the year. Fuck this dumbshit world. but it's okay, because it can only eat itself to exstinction. :) What do you think of this guy? most of it is COMPLETELY offensive.... to SOMEONE. but I'm so glad it exists. we need to be able to laugh at EVERYTHING, and let things we don't care for simply bounce off. If everyone's PERSONAL offense becomes everyone else's problem, the world ends. diversity push is playing out as a joke. people are wising up, BUSINESS is wising up, reality is reality and there is nothing anyone can do to change reality. Indian people will mostly make films for and with indian people. Chinese people will mostly make films for and with chinese people. Black people will mostly make films for and with black people. AND THAT IS ALL OKAY. Trying to please EVERYONE in one film is a joke. And it keeps failing. That's like saying, "We'll sell tons more soup if we combine ALL the soup flavors together and sell it like that." Yeah, no. That's not how reality works. We seem to be in a time where REALITY is no longer respected and fiction has taken it's place. And guess what: White people tend to mostly make films with and for white people. again, and that is okay. RATINGS are what they are: a little note of warning. Not a surgical deconstruction of every possibly offensive word being uttered in the film, and warning everyone... again, that is totally unrealistic. Where would it stop?? You don't want to view sexual violence (I respect that) but I don't like seeing people in film wearing Yellow and that is important to me... so we need warnings about THAT now. And someone else was hit by his parents with a shoe as a child, and never wants to see shoes in a movie... where would it stop?? This is LITERALLY the problem. Subjective moral enforcement. Good luck with that! :) Let's PROTECT people from becoming watered down stupid due to allowing stupid to flourish as a "Choice". It's not a choice, and shouldn't be an option. We should be better, not looser, dumber, and allowing more stupid. That is making the world worse, and the smart people see it plain as day. For inclusion, go back to my first paragraph. Is what it is. I've already always been "inclusive": I watch everything, if it is entertaining, never caring about people's color or sex. I don't SEE the problem. Just people whining about white people only making white movies.... see paragraph one again. I LOVE change, I LOVE improvement, but ONLY ONLY ONLY if it is for the better. Shoe horning in blacks, gays, women, men, whites, whatever into every movie to "Change" or improve, just makes that soup that interests nobody. "inclusive" - there it is. BUZZWORD for the 2020s. How was it any different before? How was it NOT inclusive? ANYBODY can go see anything. It's up to themselves to police their intake in this world. Just like I do, and just like everybody else on the planet does. I don't need every tiny detail listed out for me just incase I see something that might offend or trigger me... that's on me to deal with it. Shit happens, we cope, and move on. That is what life is. We've got to stop protecting the weak, people of stupid. They literally need these life things to toughen them up. Because life is NOT a bed of roses. You have to work hard at it. I don't want six trillion little warning signs on everything about every little thing. That is truly INSANE!!!!! ...but the woild is a skaawy, skawwy pwace, an I need protection from all bad things in life, and am not capable of learning to cope with reality or deal with anything but getting trophies every time I take a pee and being told I can do anything... ANYTHING! (sigh) we brought this on ourselves "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" well done. good stuff yeah, ok. yeah, there's a lot of comedy out there I might find offensive. but, I don't care. I move on and let others enjoy it. or, I don't bother with things I don't like. GENERALLY, I'm dont even get offended. I just realise it's not my thing and ignore it. I don't cry and wail about how offended I am, how triggered I became, and cower for my 'safe space'... i just ignore it and move on. :) yeah... as noted recently... it's not just you... or me.... but he'll focus on me saying I can't handle it, while many others have already pointed the issue out. I call that blinders. Kind of weird, and not worth my, our time. * I can see, you simply aren't capable of responding to my arguments > We were discussing you, not me. Capable verses time waste... hmmmm..... true true. maybe if it was some comedic context of some old fart kicking butt for funniness that could work. but some things just dont work because lots of people are not interested. One of the many easily understood definitions of woke is tossing a woman into the lead of a big action film and expecting everyone to embrace it wholly. higher percentage of fails than wins doing that. and that says plenty. Yeah... it's funny. Your humor is not our problem. Skervau is most likely just another content generating AI bot. It's best to simply reply to it with the original chat bot: Eliza found here: :) hahaha nice I have a bunch of lines, but some were published, so, I can't post them without divulging my identity. I'm not personally seeking anything. Just thought it could be an interesting topic for peeps to share their wisdom. k.... so, no one has anything BETTER than standard, common sense, old junk. no one has their own nuggets of brilliance that should transcend their own life?