DesertDingo's Replies

Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund Home The Attack Live Coverage Resources Video Contact Current Page:FAQ FAQ’s and Common Misconceptions Virtually all of the media reporting last year was demonstrably false and much of it continues to dominate public discourse. We address the most common misconceptions below. Would you be out trick or treating with your kids and then posting it or going out for coffee if you just killed your friend? I wouldn't be. I also would not be sitting at a bar positioned in front of a huge picture window primed to be caught on tape either. Not only is he an attention monger he also wants this attention now so those naive people unfamiliar with his narcissistic past say please leave him alone. They say he's so distraught and being bothered while in pain so that he now is the victim. Did you work all night on that? Your mama basement dwelling is showing. Tootles Far from it as I do not protest against killing animals for food. As a matter of fact, I have hunted for food. You won't win if you don't understand the battle. How is "I can not get past that he is such a huge anti-gun activist but makes movies using them.' a stretch? Anyone with such convictions as he does against guns ( I could post millions of times he has protested, donated, tweeted against, and more) is beyond hypocritical to make movies just using them as a means of violence or resolution or even sometimes glamorizing guns. So true. I can not get past that he is such a huge anti-gun activist but makes movies using them. It's kind of like me protesting against abortions, then getting one anyway to ease my burdened life. Or I am such an anti-vaccine, I refuse my children to get it. BUT, when I need one to get on a plane to Vegas I am ok to acquire a fake proof of vax or even get the actual shot as I can not get the fake. I could go on and on. Sadly his poor unjustified reason is all about making more dang money. SAD Hey, look what we did!!!... Glad you watched more. Yes, she not only sounds but even looks like Rosie. Much better though imho but huge nuances. I am glad you are giving it a shot. I'll be curious to see what others might think that stick it out a bit. Must admit, my husband just hates it. I have thoughts on why. Perhaps it is a general male response. We could get into depth about the whys but I am sure you get it from what you replied. I am still enamored with the show. I truly am surprised more are not. I did note the ratings went up a tad. Crossing fingers. IMO that is the point of using that name. We already know what to expect. Kind of like all the poor Karen's. I have two friends named Karen. Neither is anywhere close to the stereotype, but say she was a "Karen" and viola', the impression is set.