Pressplay's Replies

I liked it. ❤️ I guess he went into it not caring about death. And one swaps gender to be with the one they love? 😍🤩 We're moving toward acceptance. So things that people say are taboo don't necessarily have to be. If I find something weird I just stop myself and say "not for me to kink shame them." Yes ❤️🥰. But I knew him before that. I was his coach. I'm going to say Cocktails. Unnecessarily dark ending. 😡 90s sports fashion (Nike/Adidas/Reebok) and basketball fashion (which really took off in the 90s) has been a mainstay. They even make "vintage" 90s style t-shirts now. Arguably the trend started in the 80s with bands like Run DMC but the look was mainstream by the early 90s. Okay the cartoons were pretty good 80s were a joke! Men in short shorts. Mullets. Big hair on girls. Shoulder pads. Rollerskating. 🤭 90s saw people look in the mirror and say "what am I thinking with this big hair and shoulder pads?" 🤭 Yeah because in the 80s a lot of kids were being kidnapped and murdered. 😢 You must be a cutie 😘 First time I saw Bluray on a HD tv (around 2007) I thought it looked jittery. I think originally they were upping the frame rate per second for "high definition" but it made it look worse. Maybe they stopped doing this. 24 fps is the movie look. 🤬😡 Homophobic comments are unwelcome. 🤬😡🤬 Damn you hit the big 40! 😳 I'm 7 years away. 😬 Um he hit on me when he was 17. He proposed to me. He chose his 18th birthday as our wedding day. 🏳️‍🌈👬❤️ 🙄😤🙄 That's private information 😡🤬😡🏳️‍🌈🤬😡 Weird flex but okay 😅 Rude and homophobic comment.