buzzlightbeer's Replies

Agreed. A worn out genre. Me. She is so gorgeous. She tries to hide them but they look huge in her sweater Exactly. Just another one trying to weaponize race to gaslight gullible dem voters True. I'd still try out her oral skills. lol. heels-up-harris 'If her being brown-ish weren't constantly brought up by her supporters and defenders, would anyone even think of her being non-white? ' great point. your second sentence is structured in a way i can't really grasp what you mean you are right, maybe not so good now. ten years ago it was a lot better. I'd still let her practice her swallowing on me though i think i remember that but it's kinda fuzzy so i think i need to watch it again. geesh i have watched it 200 times already and i can't remember specifically. lol that is sad, huh. btw did you see the original asian one? it was excellent. but i do think scorcese actually improved on it, which IMO is rare for a remake. agreed. the BU dance video is exhibit A Lol yeah i thought so too. omar has that sexy naughty look in her eyes. plus they are both angry. angry girls are usually good in bed. lol exactly. my boss at my last job used to talk about his love for big bushy rugs all the time. made my stomach turn just to hear it. i just don't get it lol Ditto Its pretty good. Nice hips too. She looks great in a dress. Lol lol yes. nailed it lol all excellent points Lol maybe someone will post some Haha i can answer this. Thr bullet that went thru several men was a different gun. (Which hectook off a nazi soldier) The other time was with Indy's revolver.