Landlubber77's Replies

Muwahaha you have fallen for the Billy Zane hat thread trick and now you will be stuck here just as I am...for all of eternity! Or until OP wakes up, brushes his teeth, gets dressed, starts his car, realizes he's on low fuel and chastises himself for not getting gas on the way home from work, 7-11 was right there and he knew he'd regret it if he left it for morning, drives downtown to the bustling shopping district, makes a mental note that there's a Dippin' Dots vendor on the corner, and locates his nearest...wait for know it's's almost here......................................mother fuckin HAT STORE, Y'ALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!! Only then will we all be granted sweet release. Welcome, brother. Yeah I remember this ride at King's Island in Cincinnati sometime back in the 90s. They had a bunch of memorabilia from the movie. I hadn't seen the movie at the time so I didn't really have interest in it, but that would be cool to revisit now. I don't think it exists anymore though. Hat store Motherfuckin hat store, y'all. The <i>one</i> thing? I stepped on a nail this afternoon. I've always been confused by that whole scene too. The only explanation I can think of is that maybe Gordo, Bible, and Grady take offense to Norman being invited into this nice little break from the war to have a hot shave and eggs, while they're left outside like the family dog who's not allowed at the dinner table. Gordo tells the horse story and sums it up with "but you weren't there" to drive home the point that they're a family and Norman is just an interloper, so it's unfair that Wardaddy has sort of taken him under his wing while they're left outside. The horse story itself feels like it's supposed to mean something or we're supposed to infer something specific from it, but ultimately it's just a way to show how much they've gone through as a crew and serves to further alienate Norman. Because yeah, it's weird and confusing otherwise. As for Bible, I love Shia's performance in this entire movie. The character is an emotional dude, tears up a couple different times and it feels real. ...I'm aware. Turns out that GB2 -- like Mario 2 -- was all just a dream.