arcticdragon's Replies

That has already been established by their actions and even by their words, and that fact should have long been a given by now. Trans women choose the women's restroom and reject the other, SPECIFICALLY because of who goes in there. Not to just get the damn job done and get out fast. Same for sports and scholarships too. They violate boundaries and fairness, and take what they want based on who it should have been for. They won't settle for whatever else is available. And you know that. The fact that you seem to fight for it proves it. What's the logical fallacy? Answer the question I asked you MANY times already, then maybe I'll consider you someone worth talking to. No, dumbass. I take the most privacy and distance I can get, and manage with whatever inevitable company I end up with. I DON'T NEED ANYONE. Now answer the damn question. Why do trans people specifically NEED the PRESENCE OF WOMEN??? In person, only two. Friendlisted on Facebook since graduation, but never spoke to each other on this topic. Online, around 8. Not friends, and definitely not friendly. How "MAN" is this Gravelbro? Can you tell me about this story of the attack? <blockquote>And I am not here to actually argue with anyone. I wanted to know why my friend was posting something that I thought wasn't like him.</blockquote> I'm not sure why you're surprised. You seem a little new to the "trans women are real women" part in the topic of transgenders. So shouldn't you similarly be interested in challenging that once you learned about it? <blockquote>Well here we have a very different opinion. The trans people I know use the washroom to use the washroom. Not seek company nor attention.</blockquote> You have to consider what I said next. All those other stuff I mentioned, and more stuff that I didn't. <blockquote>Again, not a black or white issue. Some people who are claiming discrimination have actually been discriminated against. Some have not. Some people who whine about being called transphobic, are actually transphobic, and some are not.</blockquote> Nevertheless, accusing discrimination is how they gain power and compel obedience on everyone, transphobic or not. Is this Gravelbro a trans man? I'm not seeing your point. I am a MAN. Therefore, I use the MEN's room. Because being the same sex creates redundancy and reduces sexual invasiveness, and so helps to mitigate the problem of not having complete separation of personal boundaries. That's why using the same shower room as other men is easier than using a stall in the women's side, since there's no fear of getting caught, less to hide, and still enough respect for each other. In any case, you gonna answer the original question, or what? Hey guys? How many people here have experience chatting with moviechatterer? Does he have a history of making INTENTIONALLY stupid posts? You know, just trying to be funny? I see you've given up on winning an intelligent discussion, so you might as well be an unapologetic loser. Well, good for you for knowing your place. <blockquote>What an Unmanly question</blockquote> What a pathetic answer I already told you what her brain is or isn't. <b>She has the brain of a man, but she thinks she is a woman.</b> How many more times must I repeat that before you stop asking "how do I know what her brain is or isn't"? YOU said if she has the brain of a man, she is a MAN. If your information really came from the NIH, then you have even LESS excuse for being too afraid to declare that she is wrong. It's now your responsibility to say: That she is a MAN. <b>Even if she does not want to be. </b> And because you fail to do that, you and your information are no longer trustworthy. Uh. Because by YOUR logic, she is a MAN, but she believes she's a WOMAN. Really, did you completely forget what you think you're right about? Okay. So can you define a "man"? If you really think you're right, then why do you still fail to answer my question? Who is right? You, or her? If you really believe you are right, I want to see if you have the guts to say that SHE is WRONG. I don't know what sslssg said to you. But when she's talking to me, she's coming off a little more naïve than militant. I disagree with her, but I'm not compelled to FIGHT her about it yet. <blockquote>I'm not saying that those people don't exist, I just have yet to meet one. Most trans women I've met have been open about being trans. Men too. I have yet to hear a trans woman argue that they are biologically female.</blockquote> In that case, you're a little bit more out of the loop with the people we typically argue with. I'm not saying that to criticize or belittle you; sorry if that's what I sounded like. Those people who argue that trans women are real women, are the ones that this topic, and this documentary, are specifically fighting against. <blockquote>I'm not a man, so I don't know if men check out each other's genitalia in the washroom, but I have never seen another woman's in the ladies room. Should there be discussions about it? Sure. Why not? I've been in several gender neutral washrooms and have no problems with them. </blockquote> Trans women should not be in those washrooms seeking company and attention in the first place. Especially the pre-surgery ones. It's not just washrooms either. It's also sports competitions, women-specific jobs, awards and scholarships. EVERYTHING that places them among real women. <blockquote>As for your last point about anyone who disagrees is called transphobic, I ask by whom? If you are referring to online, yeah I agree with you. It's the way online people discuss things. </blockquote> It's not just online, it's everywhere. Campuses, classrooms, faculties, parent-teacher meetings, courtrooms, congress, gender care clinics, etc. Accusing discrimination is the absolute #1 way to gain power over every one of these spaces. <blockquote>I think it's a complicated issue, but I don't feel that demonizing those affected is the right thing to do.</blockquote> That depends on what "demonizing" is. Is it unfairly punishing them, or mere refusal to indulge them? <blockquote>Trans women don't want to use the men's bathroom, just like cis women don't want to use men's room. Is that hard for you to understand?</blockquote> You still didn't answer the question at all. Why do they specifically need the PRESENCE OF WOMEN??? <blockquote>Which bathroom do you use?</blockquote> The one that gives me the most PRIVACY. The problem is not just "living as that sex", or "<i>presenting</i> as female". They insist that trans women are LITERALLY female. 100%. They want that written in our science. And they want that affirmed and treated as such in every opportunity that exists (bathrooms, changing rooms, etc). Whatever has to be done to do that, whatever it costs, and whoever has to pay for it. They don't allow any disagreement or disbelief. And anybody who disagrees, does not obey, and demands to discuss that will be called transphobic immediately. THAT'S the problem. Does it answer the question "what is a woman?"?