Inamina's Replies

I don't mind coarse language at all and I love weird movies. This was embarrassingly bad. It's not necessarily the peeing, but the fact that he was constantly drinking soda. They're probably trying to say he's in a way stuck in childhood. Maybe he used drinking soda as a kid to make himself feel better, and he's still doing it now. Yes, she stabbed the brute. What was the other professional assassin doing? Clutching her pearls? Checking her Instagram? That's what doesn't add up to me: they left the Dominican republic immediately after this supposedly botched job, and continued their life as if the completed it successfully. Why didn't they stay to finish the job they were paid to do? So why ask if they knew? The first thing the girlfriend told him in the hospital was: I didn't tell them anything. Plus Tilda admitted they "questioned" her to get info. If they wanted her dead, she would have been dead. It's giving Fear and loathing vibes As a non American, I have no idea who any of those were. Except George Jefferson Their goal was to find out where he is, not kill her. He didn't go on a rampage. Those people's job was to kill him. They were paid 150.000$ to kill him. You think they would have simply given up just because they didn't find him at home? It was survival, not him going crazy and irrational. Their job was to kill him, not beat up his girlfriend. They were paid to eliminate him. They would have succeeded eventually, if he didn't kill them first. It's not like they would simply give up because he wasn't at home that one time. 1. He travelled a lot abroad, where almost no one knows what those aliases mean. 2. He killed his middleman to find out who was sent to kill him ( the 2 subcontractors). He died to fast though . The secretary could identify him so she had to go too. The brute and the q tip were sent to kill him. They were trying to find out where he is so they tortured his girlfriend. When he killed them both it wasn't ( only) revenge, they were paid professionals that had a job: to kill him. So they had to go too. The millionaire could easily hire other hitmen to try and kill him, but he preferred to "reason" with him as he's very rich and well known so his death would definitely be followed by a thorough investigation. The killer himself said: the police's effort increases proportionally to the victim's fortune. Plus it looked like he wanted out, not to be on the run his entire life. Although I think he might still be... Yes. Sounds like she 's really struggling to sound American, and it doesn't always work. And yes, it's distracting. I don't understand why they don't let actors use their original accent. Why does it matter if she sounds English? They snuck him in because that is a place where people arrive, but no one leaves. It's purgatory, or some sort of afterlife. They're already dead, they can't return to normal life. That's my point. Save the world, not a woman he had no relationship or connection with. There are plenty of inconsistencies in this movie but this bothered me for some reason. If he fell on love with her, fine. Share that with the audience. This was he just seems unprofessional. Not a midget, below average I would say. Even next to the other characters he looked a little small. 1. She gave her father sleeping pills that could have killed him 2. She filmed Thomas making a confession that she later used to send to his parents. That confession will probably send him to prison. She threatened to accuse him of rape, and I'm sure she wasn't bluffing. 3. She probably killed the bird that her dad was feeding ( she broke the plate of food that was at the window) 4. There are some other bad things her mom mentioned about some girls at school, that she hurt. When your own mom thinks you are evil...yeah, you have a problem I'm with her mom on this one: she's evil. Her temporary vulnerability doesn't change her cruelty. She didn't want to help Thomas, she just wanted to hurt him. Yes, her dad left her at 8. Yes, he is responsible in part to how she turned out, but Jesus Christ she ended up cruel. I think it's visions. He said it's not his time to die, he will die fighting. As did his father. They were both right. Frail? His uncle was almost as jacked as he was. Reasons why he killed her: 1. He's a psychopath 2. She was blackmailing him. Remember Franklin gave him 500.000$ to supposedly help with Henry's tuition. He also withdrew all their joined accounts. And she was going to keep doing it. "You will never leave me". 3. She was getting to close to Grace, even stalked her, and was suggesting that their sons play together as brothers. Weird. 4. She was also somewhat loco. She attacked him with a hammer. She could have killed him. People seam to minimize this, but charging at someone with a hammer is a big deal in my book. Did I mention he was a psycho? I watched it at least 3 times and plan to watch it again. I don't love it, but I always go back to it for some reason. It sticks with you