Inamina's Replies

She's in the middle of the poster because she hired a man to kill her husband. She's the reason why the movie was made. There's no point in the movie where they suggest she's the leader of Gucci. The leaders according to the movie were the brothers Gucci. After they died, it all fell apart. Patrizia had no role in the company. To answer your question, it's not very woke. It's about a woman who lost her marbles and hired a hitman to kill her husband. A Razzie. Che Vittoria! Boof! Typical italian spirit? Omg. He was a caricature of the most annoying Italian stereotype. It's about the Gucci family so of course they're going to use it. In reality, the murder reason wasn't just jealousy. The movie took some liberties with he story. Maurizio and Partrizia had 2 daughters, not just one. One of them wrote a book about the real story. Patrizia had a brain tumour that had to be taken out, and after the operation she began acting strange. The couple was separated for 7 years before Maurizio started dating Paola. There were many reasons for the murder, I think the biggest being that Patrizia was pushed aside and could no longer take advantage of the Gucci name. She was very ambitious and materialistic. Mostly money and ego drove her to do what she did. Yep. Paolo was a joke I liked her acting. She was way better than Jared Leto ( a professional actor) who was an absolute embarrassment. They all have fake Italian accents. And Gaga is great. Totally deserved. He was an embarrassing caricature. Kill Bill was unhinged. Promising young woman was unhinged. I don't get the hate for this one. That's what I thought, that fall should do more damage. There are many moments like that, but it's an action movie after all so I suspended my disbelief Her mother probably remarried Not sure I buy that. He fed bad intel that got them killed during the mission because Pillar SWORE they had tumours and we're going to die anyway? Really? What was Pillar's pitch? " Listen, we've been using our soldiers as guinea pigs to test a new drug, and now they all have brain tumors. How about you actively take part in killing them all during mission, so they won't die a long painful death of brain cancer. And make tens of millions of dollars while we're at it. I swear this is in no way a cover up. U in?" "I'm in, because I'm such a good friend and James is my brother " Come on.