TheHardSell's Replies Its laden with WJ, cuz that is fresh, new and in! 1 or 5 LOL Fuck RDN once a hero now a lowlife! They hate him as do I Did you know that in the horror film ‘Rosemarys baby’, Rosemary is impregnated by a Satanic Cult Leader & gives birth to the anti-Christ. It’s probably just a coincidence that Kate Middleton wore an identical dress to Rosemary in the film, in order to present the birth of her second son. The occult simply love their symbolism. The vaccine :-( Or Benjamin Netanyahu If you spend $1 million everyday it will take you 2,740 years to reach $1 trillion. The U.S. national debt is now $34.7 trillion and rising by $1 trillion every 100 days. EVERY…100…DAYS! When he prints it digitally, the new money is used to purchase Treasury securities which adds to the national debt and must be paid back at interest through income taxes. $1 trillion every 100 days means we're going to see a lot more inflation coming our way. And none of this $$$ is going to working class Americans but a lot is going to Israel. Someone’s got to fund their: Border Wall Free Healthcare Free University Free public transport Welfare payments to those who just want to study Torah (Yeshiva) and not work Oh and the tonnes of US high tech weaponry needed to commit genocide. BIDEN: "We reject the ICC's application of arrest warrants against Jewish leaders — what's happening is not genocide." US President Joe Biden: “What is happening in Gaza, is 100% NOT a GENOCIDE!” LOL There are US & Jewish fingerprints all over this! They killed two birds with one stone. The Zionist state is nothing without the assist of the Shabbos goyim. The Zionist state owns the UK, US and large part of Europe that will step in and assist the Jew to the bitter end. If the end comes, The Jew will try to kill all Shabbos goyims: The "Samson Option" of the book's title refers to the nuclear strategy whereby Israel would launch a massive nuclear retaliatory strike if the state itself was being overrun, just as the Biblical figure Samson is said to have pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself China Sells Record Sum of US Debt Amid Signs of Diversification (Bloomberg) China sold a record amount of Treasury and US agency bonds in the first quarter, highlighting the Asian nation’s move to diversify away from American assets as trade tensions persist. It is a wise decision to diversify away from USD. Gold has outperformed USD Bonds by 75% since 2021. In addition, the USD has been used for decades already as a political weapon and with the arbitrary confiscation of assets due to pressure from the US Zionist government It is obvious that the Western Civilization is being destroyed by their own corrupted and rotten Zionist driven political system.