CaptBeefBlower's Replies

They can dress how they want. However, if they show off their bodies, they can't complain when men stare or talk about them. Millions of years of evolution won't be suppressed just because they want it. Existenz is worth watching. She was very unlikeable, being constantly grouchy and rude. I don't think she smiled once. It doesn't help that the actress has a lot of fillers and can't emote properly. The only one of the Oxford group I liked was Jack, and they killed him off early, leaving us with Grouchy, Drippy, Smoky and Smarty. Drippy's big mission didn't even amount to anything, meaning we endured his lovesickness and slow-motion death for nothing. Smoky and Smarty weren't annoying, but they also weren't exactly big on personality. I don't see why they wouldn't, given that they have 1000 giant ships and four superhuman AIs the size of planets, two of them on earth! Perhaps the fibres become thicker near the ends. It's only their thinness that gives them cutting ability. Quite right. If I had to sum it up in one word it would be "vapid". That would be forgivable if it were entertaining but it isn't. Clearly I'm out of touch with the zeitgeist and thank fuck for that. As Ted said, there are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits. Her eyes are off-puttingly large. That would be fine if she played oddball characters, but she actually plays beauty queen types, which creates a kind of cognitive dissonance. In reality, she would be bullied for looking like a bush baby. I think you're an irritating and thick attention-seeker with no life and this site would be much better off without you. You don't love me and I strongly dislike you. I would say so. Leaving aside political matters and the originality crisis, there seems to be a lack of basic competence in making films and TV shows. There are far too many over-praised, bloated, poorly written productions around. The personality seems to have disappeared and everything seems rushed. If someone were to tell me that AI is now writing the majority of films and shows, I would be inclined to believe them. I give up on more modern films/shows than I finish nowadays, and that isn't true of older ones. I wondered for a while whether it was just me ageing and becoming more cynical, but many people agree with me. A few good films there, but they're mostly mediocre. They have done, yes. A company called Bunker 15 was employed to inflate the scores of poorly performing movies by paying critics. It never has been. They subjectively decide on and assign a rating to reviews which have no ratings, and then give an overall percentage rating based on reviews that are 6/10 or more, rather than giving the mean of the ratings. It's intrinsically arbitrary and misleading. Metacritic is slightly better. Having said that, I no longer trust critics' reviews in general. There are far too many mediocre films and TV shows that get excellent ratings these days. I'm not sure whether it's down to corruption or ideological factors, but something has changed. I hope you're getting well paid to spout Israeli propaganda - the alternative is that you're wasting your time and mental health for nothing. Perhaps, but his obsession does no one any good. He's lost a career and a marriage to a culture war that he has no stake in. "Hamas could end this war today if they released all the hostages and ceased all activities in gaza." That's naive, to put it mildly. Hostages didn't cause the 2008-2009 war or the blockade. Any meaningful analysis has to include the fact that Israel propped up Hamas for many years as a counter to the Palestinian Authority, hoping that the hardliners would keep Palestinians divided and ruin any opportunity for a two-state solution, while Israel continued to take more and more land in the West Bank. It worked, and Hamas's actions have also given cover for Israel to cleanse Gaza. I'm not trying to excuse Hamas's actions, which were barbaric and inexcusable. But Israel's actions are every bit as reprehensible, perhaps even more so, given that we should hold democracies to a higher standard. There really are no good guys here, just a lot of civilians being misled and used as justification for terrible acts by power-hungry and ruthless leaders. Can't be very secret then. It isn't generally accepted. It's new and controversial. I work for some publishers and they don't capitalise "black". Anyway, style guides present a preferred usage, not something that must be followed. The APA throwing over established grammatical practices as a sop to progressive authoritarianism doesn't mean we all have to follow suit. No, because it isn't derived from a proper noun: Asian, European, African, Latino/Latina, Hispanic, white, black. Some political changes to language happen fairly organically due to a consensus that change is needed, as with "retarded" becoming taboo, but this seems forced and somewhat authoritarian, as well as being grammatically incompetent. Arbitrary capitalisation has successfully been weeded out of English over the last couple of hundred years, and we shouldn't reintroduce it. Good to hear. Are there seven episodes or eight? IMDB has eight listed but I can only find seven.